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Why Social Media Is A Must For Any Business

Social media in this day and age is a must for any business, however new or established you are. Social media is so prominent in advertising that you’re probably more likely to realise when it is missing than when you see it advertised. Look closely at adverts on the television and your see a link to a social media site or glance at the printed marketing and again you will see their social media link advertised. I understand that you may probably think that these are the big brands and it must be expensive to engage people on social media sites, but this is not true. You need to know your audience and target them. 

Social Network Sites

Free social networks sites are a great way to begin your online marketing campaign. We all at some time or another have been on Facebook or Twitter and seen how they work by engaging people with similar interests or geographical links to become friends and share information. I would advise to set up an account on each site and link them together. Design and brand your business so that they have the same feel and look of each other, so you’re easily recognisable as a brand. 

Brand Protection
One of your main aims by using social media is to build an online presence. You want to build and protect your brand so that you are prominent and respected by your online customers. Remember any form of marketing reflects on your business, think about how you shop? If you went into a run down shop selling the same products as an upmarket looking shop who would you buy from? You want your customers to trust you as a business and with this they will encourage their friends and followers to engage in your social media campaigns. 

Connect With Your Customers

Once you have built your online brand and presence it is important that you stay connected with your customers. Ask those important questions about what they want from their purchases in the future, how they found their experience with you etc. This will help you build up ideas for your business and how to improve in the future. Normally it is very difficult and expensive to gather this information; however using social media tools is completely free! One of the most important things is to retain your online followers. Keep them engaged by asking question or running competitions. Keep it fun and light hearted and you can’t go wrong. 

Link It To Your Business Through Print Or Merchandise

You don’t have to only use online tools to gather new followers to your social media campaign. Think about linking it together with your other forms of marketing you do for your business. Whether that’s printed marketing or you use personalised merchandise such as bags, pens or even mugs, remember to add information about your online profile. This will make you appear as professional, trusted and update with today’s market. Building a brand identity will keep your business strong and protected and hopefully make you lots of money!

Author Bio:
Daisy Burgess - Social Media and Marketing Enthusiast for