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10 Technologies That Changed The World

Every now and then, a technology comes along that completely changes the planet. Both humanity as a whole and our individual lives. Let's take a look at 10 ground-breaking technologies in the modern era that completely changed our lives.

The internal combustion engine

Up until the invention of the internal combustion engine, the only way to travel across country was by the steam powered engines in trains, or horse-drawn carriage. The internal combustion engine basically shrank down the steam engine and allowed another fuel source, by the four-stroke cycle taking place within the cylinder. This allowed the engine to be placed in smaller vehicles known as the horseless carriage, which was the early motor car.

The aeroplane

Up until the invention of the aeroplane, travel to other countries could take weeks and even months. The Aeroplane allowed travel over the Atlantic in under a day.

The long-distance radio transmission

Before Marconi broadcast his transatlantic radio broadcast from Cornwall UK to Canada, communication throughout the world was slow. His innovation not only sped up communication, but also led to the development of other technologies such as; the television

Advanced composites

Materials are very important to technology. And advanced composites have led to making Aeroplanes and racing cars faster and more economical as well as helping with many other technologies. It's use in Aerospace technologies had been behind making global travel more affordable to millions. Many of the items we use in daily life also contain advanced composite materials.

The television

The TV has undoubtedly changed the lives of billions. Though some would argue for the worse. It has revolutionized the way in which we are informed about the world, and provided entertainment for the globe for over half a century.

The personal computer

The PC has not only led to the later invention of the internet by Tim Berners Lee. But it has also changed the way we send and store information. Along with the internet, it's allowed people all over the globe unfiltered access to information, as well as allowing people to get involved in business who may not have otherwise have had the chance due to a lack of knowledge and access to markets.

The smartphone

The smartphone is very much the successor of the PC, rather than the phone or mobile phone. It gives people access to many of the same capabilities that would have only have been possible in the past while sat in-front of a PC. It allows people to check their bank balance, call a friend, watch a TV show and find out where they are, all on the same device. Because it's relatively new, the true impact of the smartphone is yet to be fully determined.

Modern agricultural methods and technology

If war and turbulent politics didn't blight the globe, there's strong evidence to suggest that there's enough food for the entire population to live comfortably on. This is thanks to modern agriculture. In most of the developed and semi-developed world, humans have never been so well-fed.


Before refrigeration; food in hot countries would often spoil leading to famines. Not only has refrigeration improved the storage of food, but it's also played its part in medical science and chemistry. Allowing organic compounds and chemicals to be stored for long periods of time. It's also led to air-conditioning systems in homes and vehicles.

CAD (computer aided design)

Computer aided design has allowed the ordinary person with a little knowledge to carry out product designing tasks which were previously the sole responsibility of highly trained engineers. It's also helped in the automation of manufacturing, with many CNC lathes and other machines; running from a CAD file.

Author Bio:
Jack is a passionate blogger about science and technologies.