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5 Million Dollar Startups Created By College Students

Creating a start-up company in college is a great way to excel in business while getting ahead of your own peers who are also your age. There are many start-ups that are worth millions now that were originally launched by college students, helping to launch and further their own professional careers and future outlooks. Some of the latest start-ups that are worth more than a million dollars today were founded by those simply looking to create innovative products, services and ideas on and offline, helping to benefit others in a variety of ways.


GXStudios is a company that was founded out of Yale University, giving students a chance to "claim territory" that is similar to the game of Risk, but relevant for college campuses and other universities. Currently, more than 40,000 students use the game and are actively involved in playing and claiming territory each day. Each school battles to claim territory by checking in and virtually connecting with others. The company is now focused in Manhattan and has raise over $1 million in venture capital.

Green Mobile

Green Mobile was launched in 2004 out of the University of Missouri by Brian Laoruangroch. Brian offers refurbished phones to help with generating a profit while also protecting the environment from consuming too many materials and goods which are already available. In its first year, his hobby earned him a cool $500,000 in revenue, and eventually he expanded to a kiosk at the local mall. Once he was confident in his company's potential, Laoruangroch decided to borrow money from his parents and was given a $50,000 loan to pay for a retail storefront.

ZW Enterprises

ZW Enterprises is a company based out of the University of Indiana, which as of 2009 generated more than $1 million in revenue. ZW Enterprises was created to outlast traditional energy and fruit punch drinks that are often filled with sugar which later cause energy crashes during the day. Instead, the drink Punch is delicious and also helps to fulfill traditional dietary needs, making it a great alternative to many energy drinks and canned sodas on the market today.

Give Water

Give Water is a water company that was first started out of the University of Pennsylvania, with Ben Lewis, the company's founder, selling water out of the trunk of his own car. Each bottle that is sold helps to donate to charities around the world. The water bottles all signify various charities, some which are local and others, worldwide. A green labeled water bottle will help to donate to environmental-friendly charities, whereas a pink labeled bottle helps to contribute money to breast cancer research. In just 18 months, Give Water generated approximately $650,000 in total revenue.

Lingt Language

Lingt Language is a company that was launched out of MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), which features recordings of audio including prompts to help students study and learn a new language without the traditional methods often used. There is also a Lingt Editor, a software program available to teachers which allows professors and teachers alike to create lesson plans using audio and video materials, easing the entire process of teaching an entire classroom of students with the implementation of technology and by using tools online.

Launching a start up company in college or at any time in your life is ideal if you are looking for new ways to branch out into business or to further potential opportunities that are available to you. With the right idea and target audience, it is possible to get the capital you need to bring your business into light.

Author Bio:
Jeremy Long is a software developer and enjoys writing about computers, technology, and their role in business. He was delighted to offer his input to, an excellent resource for people who want to turn their love of computers into a career.