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Essential Gadgets For Any Start Up

Entrepreneurs have to be quick on their feet, efficient, and well connected.  Building a business from the ground up is no easy task, and doing it right requires a plethora of skills, industry knowhow, and technological support.  And while most of the necessities that make a businessperson successful are qualities money can’t buy, a few of the essentials are somewhat easier to come by.  

These are the five gadgets no startup should go without:


Whether an iPhone, Blackberry, Android, or Google phone, owning a smartphone is an absolute necessity for business owners today.  Responding quickly to clients, investors, and the changing marketplace means always having information at the tip of your fingers.  Check email, browse news, monitor stocks, track budgets, and stay up to date with the constantly evolving industries that your business relies upon.  Smartphones make entrepreneurs more efficient, accessible, and informed.


Tablets are the newest essential on the list of must-have technology for startups.  Their value as presentation tools is immense; and tablets help small business owners visualize data, show off multimedia, draft plans, make drawings, and even connect with data on the office computer.  They have most of the advantages of smartphones, with the added bonus that they are large enough to create and share a wide variety of multimedia projects on.  Fortunately, they are also affordable, and becoming increasingly so as competition and development drives down prices.

Quality Printer

When budgets are tight (and budgets are always tight for startups), it is important to keep simple tasks in-house.  Cutting costs means doing it yourself whenever possible, and investing time in order to avoid investing money.  So a quality printer that works fast, produces high-resolution images, and is versatile enough to handle all your publishing needs is an enormous asset.  There are thousands of excellent options to choose from, many of which are affordable enough to make this decision a no-brainer.  So skip the notorious office printer headaches, and invest in a quality machine from the start.  You won’t regret it.

POS Terminal

Cash flow is one of the biggest obstacles startups must overcome during their early stages of operation.  So any tool that helps your small business get paid faster is incredibly beneficial.  The ability to accept debit and credit card payments is something no business can afford to lack.  Getting a reliable POS machine should be one of the first orders of business for your startup.  And for companies who often do business on the go, investing in a smartphone-compatible POS terminal is a great idea too.

NAS Drive

Unexpected disasters are commonplace in the business world.  While you may be comfortable imagining that your system won’t crash and erase all your invaluable data, chances are that it will, unless you take measures to secure yourself.  So get an NAS (network attached storage) drive, and don’t allow your system to be without a safety net for another moment.

In today’s cutthroat business world, startup founders need all the help they can get.  So while the latest gizmos may not be the difference between success and failure, having the tech support to accomplish your goals, impress the business community, and expand your sphere of influence is invaluable.  The best startups are innovation leaders, who offer the world something it hasn’t seen before.  Staying at the forefront of your industry, whatever it may be, requires access to the most cutting-edge communication technologies of our day.  These gadgets will keep you connected, secure, versatile, and ready to react to whatever obstacles the world throws your way.

Author Bio:
Kirsten runs her own handmade silver jewellery business. She relies upon her gadgets to help her stay in touch with customers, to market her business, and to seize opportunities.