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Four Gadgets That Are Making The Expectant Mother's Life Easier

The process of conceiving can be stressful and full of unknowns. Throughout human history, this has simply been part of the process, but ever expanding technology is now allowing for mothers and fathers alike to understand more about the process and ultimately become better parents in the process. Whether you are already expecting or believe you might be pregnant, there is a good chance that technology will play a role during gestation. The following gadgets are just some of the examples we are now seeing that take some of the guessing out of pregnancy and give families more information to make the right decisions.


Many women struggle with conception, making the process of having a baby seem more like a stressful ordeal than anything else. Plenty of home remedies and suggestions exist for conceiving a baby at the right time, but DuoFertility helps take these urban legends out of the equation and uses real science. By measuring blood temperature and deriving highly sensitive readings from the data, this device can determine when a woman is ovulating – which makes the process of conceiving much simpler. If you have been struggling with having a baby, then the DuoFertility can help you overcome these woes.


The measurement of kicks that any baby is giving is often a sign of health: a rapid decrease in a baby's kicking motions can mean that an underlying health issue is developing. While not all babies are active kickers, the KickTrak helps monitor these movements, records them and displays the results on an easy to read LED screen. This information can then be presented to your OBGYN or medical professional to show any changes in the baby's behaviour between check-ups. While some may not think these sorts of measurements are important, you can never be too observant when it comes to your baby's health.

Hi Bebe Fetal Sound Doppler

Checking the baby's heartbeat is an important and regular part of any check-up: why should you not be able to do the same from home? Thanks to the Hi Bebe Fetal Sound Doppler, you will be able to detect and listen to your baby's heartbeat from about two and a half months onward. This FDA approved device shows you the heart rate on a LCD screen so you can both listen and record relevant data for consultation with your physician. The Hi Bebe product has both loudspeaker and microphone capability, giving you the choice of sharing it with those around you or just listening by your lonesome.


Numerous scientific studies have shown that babies can hear noises when they are in the womb.  In fact, some studies have even shown that listening to music can encourage the foetus to grow at a faster pace!  Bellybuds is ideal for women who want to test out this research.  This innovative product enables a pregnant woman to attach "bellyphones" to her stomach so that the baby can clearly hear the music that she is playing.  The Bellybuds can be connected up to an iPod or any standard music player, enabling the mum to be to play music of her choice.  What better way to play some soothing symphonies or encourage your child’s love of rock music?

Author Bio:
This post was contributed by Jennifer Abbot from The Hampton Park Women's Health Care Centre, one of the leading abortion clinics in Melbourne. Jennifer thinks that technology has made it very easy for expectant parents to connect with the yet-to-be born child.