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High Tech Gifts For Sports Fans

Got a sports fan in the family who has a birthday coming up? Want to get them something a little more impressive than trading cards or a football? Then why not look into the many different high tech gadgets that area on the market for sports fans. Whether your friend or relative likes to play sports or just watch them, there are a ton of different gadgets that will allow them to get more from their favourite sports.


Cameras are great for athletes who want to catch themselves in action and a great way to get cool Facebook photos. At the same time though, they can also actually be useful for improving technique and performance as they allow your friend to record themselves in action then watch themselves back for critiquing purposes.

If you want to really push the boat out and get them something really impressive, then perhaps consider looking into a 'GoPro' camera. These are cameras that are designed specifically for sports and which can be attached to a helmet, a bike or a head/shoulder. This way your free running/cycling/hockey playing friend can capture the action from their eye-view in HD and with no worry of the camera getting damaged.

iTunes Vouchers

iTunes vouchers might not seem like a sporting gifts but that's the great thing about vouchers - the recipient can spend them however they want. Give an iTunes voucher as a gift and they will be able to download a plethora of sporting apps whether for entertainment or to improve their performance. Entertainment wise, these vouchers can be spent on things like games, magazine subscriptions or streaming apps. For actual athletes though there are a range of possible uses here: golf fans can make use of golf GPS devices for instance which will keep them informed of where the holes and bunkers are on any course, while video analysis apps can improve technique in a range of sports.


The Nintendo Wii was the console that really showed how popular an alternative form of input could be on a home console. With the Wii, you control the on-screen avatars not by mashing buttons, but instead by actually carrying out the actions yourself (or approximations thereof). For most of us that means wildly swinging our arms at the screen to kill demons with our virtual swords, but for genuine athletes it's a great opportunity to hone technique and skills. Playing Wii golf might not be the perfect virtualisation of swinging a golf club, you can nevertheless go through the process of checking your stance and your grip etc. and improve all the same. This is an expensive gift, but one that has a lot of play value.

Sports Specific Gadgets

If you know what your recipient likes to play, then there are a range of gadgets they can enjoy specific to their sport whether those are motion sensors or calorie counters. Any of these can help them to get more from their sport and will show time and thought on your part.

Author Bio:
This post was authored by Joshua Bing; he is a hockey player and he is an employee of an established store which offers customers cool inline hockey equipment. He likes to indulge in writing articles sharing his views and thoughts during his free time.