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How Technology Is Working More Effectively In Hospitals

Technology has changed the whole world for the better. This is especially apparent in hospitals, where efficiency and effectiveness have gotten a huge boost.  There is no longer a reason to wait weeks on end for a blood sample or hours and hours for an X-ray image to pop up on your doctor’s screen. But how exactly has technology helped hospitals work more effectively?


As a patient, you probably remember when doctors were still using paper charts. Technology has completely changed the way hospitals store charts and patient data. Now that patient data is stored on computers, the daily life of a hospital is much smoother. This goes beyond desktop computers as well. Handheld computers, tablets, and even smart phones have helped hospitals rise to the top in patient care.

Ultrasound Machines

People may think of the ultrasound machine as a basic device, but it has truly been life changing in the healthcare system. From helping pregnant patients to dealing with someone who may have a body malfunction, ultrasound machines have helped hospitals work more effectively in identifying a problem that would otherwise be difficult or impossible to see with the naked eye. Ultrasound machines help save lives and detect early health problems, which is something that had been lacking previously in medical history.

Medical Accessories

Larger hospitals have it difficult in the sense that they sometimes have to cater to a large crowd of patients on limited resources. Mobile technology has been important in making sure patients are being well taken care of. Computers that are able to move from room to room without any wires or cables have been vital tools for these hospitals. Display machines that show X-ray results and radiology information display machines have also helped hospitals work more effectively.

Infection Detection Technologies

Doctors have a lot of knowledge and experience, but there are technologies that help make their job a little easier. Technology has helped raise infection detection awareness. Doctors can determine serious infections in almost any situation with the help of their knowledge and these advanced technologies.

Social Media

Social media has helped technology work in hospitals more effectively than anyone has ever thought possible. It puts hospitals and patients on an equal level. Patients can express gratitude or talk about an issue they had while being treated. Social media has also allowed hospitals to have more of a voice and a presence in the branding world.


Technology is changing the way hospitals and medical care work these days. Patients are being taken care of faster than ever before and more lives are being saved. Technology includes the most basic of things, like social media, all the way to the more complex things like getting the on-call doctor to a room as quickly as possible.

Thanks to technology working more effectively in hospitals, lab results get back to the doctor quicker and are delivered to the patient sooner. Computers, ultrasound machines, medical accessories, and infection detection technologies are all just the beginning of how technology has changed the medical scene.

Author Bio:
Written by the Technical Consultant Team at Onyx Healthcare, a professional Medical IT company.