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The Art of Making a Lasting First Impression

Because of the high volume of calls that most attorney's offices receive, it's sometimes necessary to contract with third part call screening services. These services act as a liaison between outside callers and the staff of the law office. By ensuring that only viable cases reach the attorneys, and by helping current clients receive priority service, these screening services help to increase efficiency, improve client satisfaction, and decrease time wasted on unviable cases. Finally, they can even increase security by making sure that "phishing" type calls are routed away from staff and personnel.

Any business which deals in the open, public market makes first impressions, sometimes dozens or more times per day, to its customers. Some businesses actively work to approach and help their potential customers, while others are passive and wait for customers to come to them. Both strategies create first impressions, but only the first can potentially create a positive one.

Companies that take an active interest in how they are presented to potential customers and clients are more likely to make positive first impressions, and are more likely to develop lasting business relationships, than those that do not. Also, because first impressions are considered so important by many people, a business or organization which clearly prioritizes first impressions is more likely to receive positive mentions via word of mouth and social media. 

Because of this, there are a few important tips which can help increase conversions, and help to develop long-term relationships with customers:

Act first. This doesn't mean be pushy, and it doesn't mean to stalk your customers. What it does mean is that businesses should introduce themselves, offer any assistance they can provide, and then get out of their customers' way. The way, the customer knows that the business wants to help them, and that it is willing to offer any services that it can, but also that it respects their privacy and their personal space. This sort of interaction can be achieved in person, over the phone, via direct mail, or via email. Regardless of the method employed, a first impression which is offered without the potential customer asking for it is a positive first step in creating a business relationship.

Be professional, but be approachable. No one likes dealing with businesses which they feel to be cold, uncaring, or threatening. Because of this, many modern businesses have adopted a more human-centered approach to marketing and communications. Using personal pronouns, engaging in friendly banter, and showing a genuine interest in your client or customer rather than just trying to get their money are all important steps in showing the customer that you not only want their business, but that you want their trust as well.

Don't take no for an answer, but don't be aggressive. Just because your potential customer walks away, hangs up, or deletes your email doesn't mean that they don't want your services. It just means that they either don't need them right now, or that they don't think they do. Either way, you should take these moments as opportunities to find out how you can better serve their needs, and how you might expand your offerings so that later, when the time is right, you can be there when they need you.

All businesses rely on their customers for revenue. Whether its a small mom-and-pop deli or it's an international finance corporation, making a positive first impression is essential every time. Because people never forget a bad impression, and because it's difficult to change peoples' minds once they have made a decision, following these key steps in 'wow'ing your customers from the outset is among the most important steps in creating, and maintaining, new business relationships.

Author Bio:
Paul is a freelance writer for Anser who is interested in helping businesses develop costumer relations and in 24 hour answering services. For the information on call centers in this article, he use information from