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The Best Mobile Apps For Home Business Now

For home business owners, there are numerous tools that they may utilize to ease the stress brought by their various businesses along with their relationships with their customers. If you are such a business owner, you ought to know the best mobile apps for home business now. These apps will offer you a different dimension on how you may manage your mobile and online activities.


This application lets two Smartphones bump physically against each other to transfer information between the two devices like social events, calendars, photos, contact numbers and other documents through the internet. In addition, the app lets you bump your photos into your computer. The app is free for downloading and is available to both Apple's iOS and Google's Android. This is the most ideal app for keeping your contact information intact. It eliminates the need for business cards.

Quickoffice Pro

This app lets you share, access, edit and create Microsoft Office files straight from your Smartphone. This app lets you fully control presentations, spreadsheets and documents through Scribd, Box, Google Docs, Dropbox, MobileMe and numerous others.

Google Calendar Sync

This app lets you sync your wireless device with your Google Calendar. You can update and alter your Google Calendar virtually anywhere. This app lets you send out invitations, share and create your schedule, and view your coworkers' calendars to be able to plan ahead. The app is entirely free for the iPhone. The sole requirement is that you hold a Google account.


This app offers an easy method of viewing, managing and tracking your finances from every bank account you have in a secure and safe manner. Mint automatically categorizes and pulls in your transactions. It generates a budget that is based on your spending, and it summarizes all the activities that involve your bank accounts. The app is entirely free. All you need to do is to sign up for a free account from and all your personal bank accounts to obtain your secure PIN. It is available for the Android and the iPhone.

Social Network apps

Social networks are becoming increasingly popular for small or home businesses. Facebook will let people become friends with or fans of your business. From the connection you establish, they will view your status updates inside their Newsfeed and they can click on various statuses to comment on them. You may utilize Twitter to connect with potential clients and offer short messages that tag other businesses or people inside them. LinkedIn is a network for professionals that lets people post their work experience and their resume, along with connecting with business owners, employees and clients. These three apps on your Smartphone will let you remain connected with your networks the entire time. They are all free.


This app lets you scan whiteboards, receipts, documents, notes, business cards and others, and save them to your Smartphone. Scanner lets you alter the resolution and file size, reorder and delete pages, preview pdf versions and fax the documents.


Having these apps will improve the running of your home business significantly as they reduce the need for a computer and make tasks easier. These days making money from mobile apps is also a possibility. That’s how far mobile technology has gone. This Rippln review should show you the way.

Author Bio:
Bernadette J. Bryant is a big fan of WordPress and blogs her way into livelihood. She's has several business blogs, a personal blog and does guest blogging once in awhile.