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The Life And Career Of Eric Schmidt

Eric Schmidt is a software professional and current Executive Chairman of Google. He is one of the well-recognized head honchos of technology industry and has made a mark for himself. Coming from a family of academics, Eric Schmidt too pursued his education and went on to earn a Ph.D. He began his career in different IT companies before moving on to Sun Microsystems where he served for a considerable time rising from the ranks of Software Manager to become the President of the company. He has been associated with software development as well as management of the companies he was associated with. His high educational qualification has stood by him in his career path and is recognized as one of the top most CEO’s in the world.     


Schmidt and Google 

Schmidt joined Google as their Chairman and became the company’s CEO. He took part in the daily operations of the company and a keen interest in various aspects of the business. His strong technical background is a major plus point and this is one of the main reasons for his successful career path. He took care of business expansion plans of the company to keep pace with its rapid growth and at the same time on various other legal and management responsibilities that come along with the position he holds. He stepped down as CEO but continues to be on the board of directors. He was briefly associated with Apple as its director, but subsequently gave up his position due to conflict of interests. 

A noteworthy aspect of his career has been his founding “Innovation Endeavors”. It is a venture fund set up to help entrepreneurs with technical and financial support to start off path breaking ventures. It has helped several of them around the world.  He is also a member of the board of New America Foundation, a public policy institute. He has been open about his political leanings and was a chief advisor to the current President’s campaign for office. He was even rumored to be on the list of probables in Barack Obama’s administration. He has since become a member of the Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, his forte. 

Other Interests Outside Of Business 

His position in Google is one of the most noticed ones as the company is a common name in every household. The most reliable search engine by far, users noticed the people behind the scenes as well. 
Eric Schmidt has used his popularity and wealth for meeting some of his social responsibilities. He is an avid art collector and takes part in several conferences and shows around the world. A fierce advocate of sustainable use of natural resources the Schmidt Family Foundation that he set up does a lot of work in this segment.  The foundation supports organizations and individuals who work in the field of renewable energy with the aim to reduce dependency on fossil fuels. 

A career built on his technical and managerial skills is a truly inspiring one. He has been recognized for his contributions to various businesses and out of business work as well and has been popular with his team in all of his assignments.

Author Bio:
James is a writer and blogger with 5 years experience.