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Getting Sleep Is A Serious Business - Check Out These Gadgets!

If you are one of those unfortunate people who find that getting a good night’s sleep is an uphill struggle, join the club! Millions of people across the world have the same difficult and many of them have found help by speaking to their doctors. Sleep Apnea is a serious condition that can really affect the quality of our lives. There are some clever devices that assist people with this condition. However some of us do not have full blown sleep Apnea, but still suffer from sleepless nights nonetheless. This article takes a look at some helpful gadgets currently on the market that may be just what the doctor ordered!

NightWave Sleep Assistant - $49.99

We get the ball rolling with this clever little device called the NightWave Sleep Assistant. It is only about the size of a jewellery box but certainly packs a punch in the battle for sleep! The device projects a soft, pulsing blue light onto your wall or ceiling as you prepare to sleep for the night. You are then required to undergo a bespoke breathing exercise that follows the actions of your new blue best friend. This continues for about 7 minutes, at which point you should be entering the land of nod. We have tried this routine and it actually works! By following this pattern, you are teaching your body how to relax and stop all active thoughts. A definite winner in the war against sleepless nights, check this out soon!

Verilux Rise & Shine Natural Wake-Up Light - $99.95

This device is supposed to offer you an idyllic environment to wake up into. It is a very clever gadget and acts as a natural alarm clock that will ease you into the morning without any loud noises or harsh lights. The gradual introduction of light accompanied with the sounds of birds chirping quietly allows your senses to recover in a chilled and civilised manner. We love this device and couldn’t get enough of the beautiful vibe it emits, and you can leave your dreams on hold until the next time!

Zeo Sleep Manager Pro - $99

This wonderful gadget teams up with an iPhone app in order to analyse your sleeping pattern down to a tee. You are required to wear a small headband during your slumber, and this features a small device that monitors your sleeping pattern like a real live lab technician. The results are transmitted wirelessly to your iPhone app. This information is relayed to the Zeo website where your pattern is fed into a special algorithm-like process. You are then advised on what action to take in future in order to achieve a more balanced sleeping pattern. The advice is usually a mixture of exercise, diet and relaxation tips. This machine has been proven to bring sleep to the masses and we like it very much indeed!

What’s Next?

Each one of these three clever little gadgets are very good at helping you to get some much needed rest. But you should also speak to your local GP before taking any extra advice on board. Your doctor will probably agree that the basics need to be addressed before buying any additional home appliance assistance – Good Luck!

Author Bio:
Today’s guest author, Abbey Brooks, is a sales executive at CPAPonly, a dealer that provides CPAP breathing machines. She is an avid blogger and enjoys sharing her views on a variety of topics, although her niche is healthcare.