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These Four Apps Can Improve Health, Well-being And Quality Of Life

Developing an active, healthy lifestyle is a huge struggle for millions of people who have developed lifestyle habits that ultimately led to fatigue, obesity and disease. Breaking the pattern has been difficult in years past, seeing as how access to proper information was limited. Fortunately, technology is assisting us in taking control of our bodies, our diets and our routines. For those who are seeking a way out of their current malaise, we have picked four Android mobile applications that will provide assistance with food preparation, exercise, diet and can bring your healthy, beautiful inner-self to the forefront.

Calorie Counter

One of the most popular apps on the Android Marketplace, Calorie Counter provides an array of diet information on virtually any food imaginable. Not only will you be able to reference the number of calories for each food item you are consuming, but you will also be able to track this via the food diary and see just how much you are eating on a daily basis. With additional options for charting the amount of exercise and calories burned each day, you can get the bigger picture of just how your diet and exercise choices are affecting your life. You'll be able to download Calorie Counter for free on the Android Marketplace and the iTunes App Store.

iTriage Health

For those suffering with current or chronic ailments, iTriage Health is a valuable application that can help discover any underlying conditions causing the problem. With thousands of medical conditions covered in the app, you will be prompted to input your current symptoms. These are then analysed against the database to determine which conditions are most likely comparable to your problems. In addition to finding preliminary diagnoses, you will also be able to track down local doctors, hospitals and even view average wait times in select emergency rooms. You can find the iTriage Health app on Android and iOS devices.

Workout Trainer

Rather than sitting around contemplating the act of exercise, jump straight into it with Workout Trainer! Offering thousands of free workouts, Workout Trainer is a popular app on both Android and iOS platforms. Create customized workouts from your smartphone, play your favourite tunes while working out and share your progress via Facebook, Twitter and email. Partnering with, Workout Trainer also offers the ability for users to track their progress online and connect with hundreds of thousands of other Workout Trainer users in real time. Considering that this app is free, those seeking a lifestyle change have no reason not to download it.

Recipe Search

With more than 150,000 recipes included, Recipe Search makes the list for its wide variety of healthy menu options – very much needed when beginning a new lifestyle of health and fitness. Using voice options, you can tell the app which ingredients you currently have in the home and it will display a list of all recipes that can be prepared. Perfect for those who want to begin cooking at home more often but do not know where to start, Recipe Search is available on both Android and iOS devices for free.

Author Bio:
Today's guest author, Phil Taylor, is a financial consultant at Instant Life Insurance, an insurance firm that provides senior life insurance in Canada. When he is not working, he is seen visiting friends and family.