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Why Manufacturers Need Product Testing To Achieve Success And Profit

Manufacturers are responsible for any damages and injuries that consumers may suffer from when their products are sold in the market. This allows consumers to hold manufacturers and retailers liable. To avoid damages and injuries, manufacturers need to have their products tested before having them released to the public. Product testing plays a major role in the development process of products as it ensures safety, acceptability and reliability for manufacturers to avoid losses and gain more consumers for better profits. Through this testing, all critical parameters are tested within a small amount of time while eliminating human error and preventing defective products from being sold.

The Importance Of Product Testing For Manufacturers

Manufacturers need to have their products tested by a third party organization that has the expertise, reliable testing equipment and understands the importance for manufacturers to be sure of the reliability and safety of their products through certification. Product testing is important because it ;
  • Allows manufacturers to receive expert guidance during the design and manufacturing process of products
  • Improves products and makes them stand out from the products of competitors
  • Achieves secure decision making with risk and compliance management
  • Reduces the wait time for products to be introduced in the market
  • Simulates failure conditions to ensure that safety features perform accordingly to its design
  • Mitigates the risks and liabilities
  • Eliminates human errors
  • Brings about tough competition in the market
  • Reduces the possibility of product returns for defective products
  • Boosts reputation
  • Analyzes data to detect areas of production that requires improvement
  • Measures the effects of brand name, price and packaging based on the product's quality and performance
  • Achieves consumer and business reassurance
  • Increases the potential of products in the current market and breaks into new markets as well
  • Stores test data for trend analysis
  • Predicts consumer acceptance to current and new products

The Secrets Of Product Testing

Sadly, not all manufacturers include product testing in their manufacturing process. This allows other manufacturers that invest in product testing to have more opportunities in succeeding in the market. If manufacturers want to achieve product success and profit then continuous product improvement and testing is a necessity.

Normative Data

Since all products are tested, the successive tests become more valuable. This is normative data and it assists manufacturers to interpret product testing scores and determine how good or bad the product may be. Real Environment Test
Product testing should also include real environment testing which means that office products must be tested in offices and home products in a home. This testing produces most accurate results for the benefit of both manufacturer and consumer.

Only One Product Testing Organization

Product testing for a manufacturer should be done by only one product testing organization to ensure that all tests are done the same way.
A consumer's perspective is essential to product performance and quality. Product testing helps determine what product aspects are important to consumers and what critical variables will define customer satisfaction. Overall, these critical variables assist in designing an accurate product testing system suitable for all types of products.
Product testing is not simply about ensuring that a product is reliable and safe for consumers. It is also about helping manufacturers determine if they produce quality products and come up with new formulations if their products fail testing and evaluation.

Author Bio:

Valerie Hanks is a freelance writer specializing in business, product manufacturing and product testing. Learn more about the importance of product testing for both manufacturers and consumers here.