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Five of the Most Expensive DSLR Cameras

Ah, digital cameras. Whether you are still a fan of days bygone and the quant charm of the age-old classic the Polaroid camera or you totally dig the flashy lights and beautiful pixilation of the digital image, you can't deny, the digital camera has taken the world by storm. The convenience of not having to make sure you have film on hand all the time and the ability to have your picture within seconds and not needing to take them to a camera store to be developed has certainly fuelled this rise in popularity. But in addition to the convenience of this new digital technology the rise in quality has been paramount in the rise of digital cameras. But is there a point where it goes too far?

Let's take a look at five of the most expensive digital cameras on the market today:

1. The Hasselblad H4D-200MS Digital Camera

Did we say expensive? Oh yes, this one is. If you're buying this Hasselblad camera, I hope you hope you're planning on getting a good insurance plan along with it such as ProtectYour Bubble DSLR Camera insurance because one of these babies will put a dent in anyone's wallet. How much of a dent? Well, because these cameras boast one of the most advanced digital camera systems and can shoot at over 200 megapixels (yikes!). This bad boy can set you back over £29,588! Holy moly...

2. The Phase One P65

You'll spend £26,300 or more on this sexy 65-megapixel modern marvel of digital technology from Phase One. It has a full frame 645 sensor and if you know anything about cameras you know that this is immense.  It's the sensor that is truly impressive here and will be what the bulk of what your camera price is covering.

3. The Panoscan MK-3 Digital 360 Degree Panoramic Camera

It may put a £26,300 dent in your back account, but the professionals love this Panoscan for its ability to take 360-degree photos at amazing speeds (under eight seconds here). This gem is also compatible with several types of virtual reality technologies. This thing is so nifty that even law enforcement specialists and militaries have begun to use it.

4. The Leica S2-P Camera

There are no bells and whistles on this one, unless you, like me, consider a beautifully stunning 37.5 megapixels and the most stunning three inch LCD display I've ever had the pleasure of viewing, bells and whistles. This is a wonderful product offered by Leica for all serious digital camera users out there and sells for around £19,725.

5.  The Leica M9 Titanium

While this one is the functional equivalent of its basic M9 counterpart, you can expect to pay almost £19,068 for this one, which is about four times what the other costs. Why? Because the case is in pure titanium and absolutely beautiful. It also boasts of being a "limited edition" offering.

So, as you can see, there are some pretty dang wallet-busting entries in the DSLR camera department. Obviously if you're making any kind of investment as costly as these, you're going to want to purchase some reliable digital camera insurance, especially if you're a pro who's banking his entire business on the back of one of these awesome bad boys. Don't be caught without a way to recoup your costs if an accident or theft happens to you!

Author Bio:

Laura Ginn is a professional blogger and avid tech enthusiast. She is beginning to take a walk into the world of digital cameras by taking her own photos but openly admits that there's a steep learning curve.