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How to Equip Your Team for a Conference (and Get In Some Extra Branding at the Same Time)

The success of many different types of businesses depends largely on their performance at various types of conferences during the year. While conferences can be a great opportunity for your team to get out there and learn new information that will help them when they return to work, these types of events are also excellent opportunities for things like networking. Because of facts like those, it is of the utmost importance that you make sure that your team looks somewhat in unison and coordinated at a conference. Luckily, these rules are ones that you can observe in a variety of different ways.

The Importance of a Look

Dressing your team in unison with clothes and various accessories featuring your company logo is important because it accomplishes two main things. The first is that it makes sure that your team, who are a group of people that are representing your company in a professional setting, are dressed respectably for the big event. Depending on the size of your company, conferences may be the first experience that a lot of individuals have with members of your team. You only get one chance to make a first impression and in the business world you always want that impression to be as memorable and as professional as possible.

Dressing your team in similar clothing also helps each member stand apart in a crowd. It is a similar idea in concept to uniforms on employees at something like a retail store. When a customer walks into a retail store, he or she can always separate other customers from employees because employees are always dressed in very similar ways. The same concept is true at a conference. If someone wants to talk to one of your team members or get more information about your brand or product, it will be easier to find someone with the information that person needs if everyone is dressed similarly. It will also help differentiate members of your team from members of other teams that may be present at the same event.

Finally, dressing your team members in a type of business casual “uniform” is an excellent way to get some additional branding while making sure that they are as prepared as they can be for the events of the days ahead. As your team members move throughout the conference they will put your company logo firmly in front of the eyes of all in attendance. They will essentially become walking, talking advertisements for both your brand in general and all that you have to offer.

Conference Bags

Beyond clothing, one great way to get your band out there is with conference bags. These types of bags present big spaces that are perfect for a company logo. Additionally, your employees will likely need to carry around a variety of different materials with them throughout the day. Conference bags accomplish the proverbial killing of two birds with one stone: your employees can easily carry around what they need to and will always have an item with your company logo nearby.


One type of material that will always come in handy at a conference is a folder. Folders can be a great way for your employees to carry around the various papers, pamphlets and other types of printed materials that they find at a conference. Likewise, the folders can also be handed out to general attendees. If the folder has your brand or company logo on it, that visual reminder of who your team is and what they represent will be in the minds of attendees all day long.

Author Bio:
Duncan Johnston is business branding consultant. He enjoys sharing his advice and insights on various business blogs.