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Understanding Nuclear Submarines

Since the beginning of the world, controlling the ocean has been a key part in the power struggle. Whoever has domain of the waters, regulates trade, ports, and people. Today’s world has evolved quite a bit, but the principle remains the same. The airplane was an amazing feat, being able to propel something that was heavier than air through the skies is mind blowing. At the same rate, submarines are just as much an innovation miracle. The idea that you could submerge you and your crew underwater for months at a time is astounding. Submarines are common knowledge today, they are known by most everybody. At the same time, submarine technology is developing rapidly, and the future of submarines is exciting and terrible. Today nuclear submarines are the cutting edge of aquatic science.

A Recent History

In 1954, just after WWII, the United States crafted the first nuclear submarine, The Nautilus. Before the Nautilus all other subs were powered by diesel fuel, and were very limited in range, because they had to come up to the surface to be recharged and refueled. However, since the Nautilus was nuclear powered it could be had virtually unlimited range. Also, up until that point submarines were designed to skim the surface of the water and occasionally dive. The Nautilus was made to stay deep underwater for its entire voyage. This presented a real threat to other countries because now a submarine could travel the length of an ocean and engage enemy ships, completely undetected. The designers of the Nautilus ran successful voyage after voyage with it, and eventually armed it with powerful missiles.

The Parts

The bare bones of a submarine are two parts: the outer hull, and inner hull. The outer is what gives the submarine it’s cucumber shape, and allows the submarine to travel through the water like it does. It is also incredibly thick and resilient. While diving the submarine is subject to enormous pressures caused by water. The inner hull is the pressured residence of the computers, cabins, and crew. In between the two hulls are the ballast tanks. These tanks take on and release water, and help distribute the weight of the submarine. Towards the end of the submarine are the propeller and rudder, which allow the submarine to dive and ascend. There is nuclear reactor, which is essentially a glorified steam engine, which powers the submarine.

Final Thoughts

Nuclear submarine are amazing. They are the peak of the modern warfare and technology for power. They are also a reminder that nuclear energy can be harnessed and used in gigantic feats, like powering a forty thousand ton vessel across the ocean and back again. At the same time, nuclear energy and development still have miles to go before we will see the energy in our homes. But if nuclear energy is able to keep a crew safe a mile under the sea, we are sure to be seeing it show up in the common activities of modern life.

Author Bio:

As the operations office manager for a website marketing business, Daniel Holdeman labors as a posting guest to service companies in the U.S. such as Don Rowe. He works in The State of California, and is drinking in these times with his special woman and three rug rats. Dan-the-man invites individuals to preview his Google Plus info anytime.