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What Every Bachelor Should Have In His Kitchen

Moving out on your own? Want to make sure you have the essentials to whip up a quick meal? Need to make sure you can impress the ladies when the time comes? Make sure you have these kitchen essentials.


- Toaster oven

As a bachelor, you may not have a lot of patience for prep time. So a toaster oven is absolutely essential. Bake, broil, roast. It’s simple. In a hurry in the morning? Pop a bagel in.


- Wine opener

Maybe you drink a lot of wine. But we’re betting you stick mainly to beers and liquors. However, your lady friends might not. And if you have a date over and are cooking for them, the last thing you want is to have to figure out some DIY way to pop open that bottle. Look like you have your stuff together, man! Get a good wine over…and you can use to open your beer bottles too.


- Volcano Vaporizer

Whether or not the creators of the Volcano Vaporizer intended it to be so, it has become a great tool for would-be chefs around the world. Great for infusing both food and drink with very aromas and tastes, the Volcano Vaporizer is an essential for the bachelor looking to impress with great dishes and fancy cocktails.


- Magic Erasers

Bachelors are notorious for keeping messy apartments. The problem is that if you’re looking to bring a lady friend home, you want to make a good impression. She doesn’t want to walk into a dump. Sure you can do a rush job and hide your clutter, but a woman can sniff out the signs of a real pig sty…like a grimy kitchen. The Mr. Clean Magic Eraser can easily help you clean everything from grates to tile.


- Pizza stone

You’re a bachelor, so it’s a given you’re going to be eating pizza, and more than likely, frozen ones at that. How can you make that frozen pizza taste its absolute best? Use a pizza stone. Not only does it look cool (impress the ladies), but it helps your pizza heat evenly, allowing for better taste and more exact cook times.


- Pizza cutter

Ever tried cutting a pizza fresh from the oven with a knife? You end up with a gooey mess. That said, make sure you match that pizza stone with a pizza cutter to complete the entire process.


- George Foreman grill

Practically made for bachelors, the Foreman grill allows you to grill up amazing meats and vegetables in a fraction of the time it would normally take. Add don the fact that it cuts out tons of the fat, as most of the grease drips down into the trap, and you have the ideal bachelor grilling machine. Might we suggest you opt for the one with removable plates? It’s way easier to clean, which will lessen the chances that you’ll let the plates build up with that nasty grime.


- Immersion blender

Regular mixers and blenders take up valuable counter space. Not to mention, they’re a real pain in the butt to clean. Enter the immersion blender. They’re cheap, small, easy to store, simple to use, and easy to clean. They’re also great for mixing up those post-workout protein shakes. Just make sure you’re careful with them--they can be dangerous.


- Stainless steel knife set

Nothing is more frustrating than a knife that won’t cut. And when you’re cooking, you’re cutting all sorts of different things. Often these different food items have different textures, which require different types of knives. A good stainless steel set will have all the blades you need and a nice woodblock to store them in. And they’ll also last a long time.


- Tupperware containers

Maybe you devour every ounce of food you cook every single time. But probably not. So rather than trashing your leftovers every time, or feeding them to your pooch, invest in some Tupperware and save them for lunch tomorrow. You can get a full set for pretty cheap.

- Bamboo cutting board

You’re a man, so you probably like a good steak, right? Or maybe you prefer chicken breasts and pork loin for the lean protein. Whatever you choice, you need a place to cut it. Ever tried to cut a slab of meat on a plate? Doesn’t work. How about on the countertop? GROSS. Get a nice cutting board, and go bamboo.

- Manual can opener

Sure you could opt for an automatic can opener, but let’s be honest. Using a manual can opener is extremely simple and doesn’t take up the space on the counter that an automatic one does. So in our view, an automatic can opener is a waste of money and space. However, you definitely need a manual one, because odds are as a bachelor you’ll be eating plenty of food from cans.


What else do you think you might need in your bachelor kitchen? Why?