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Four Awesome Apps for Business Students and Managers

When it comes to all areas of business, there are a lot of tools that you can use to help you, whether you are a student in business school, you are participating in an internship to get your feet wet, or you are starting off as a business manager and you need some extra help figuring things out for yourself.

These days, you can easily get a hold of a variety of apps specifically designed with businesspeople and business students in mind. Continue reading for four of the best ones that you can download and start utilizing today.

Pocket MBA

Pocket MBA is a great all-around app that will give you everything you need to know about the business world, from management to business law, economics, business strategy, operations, information technology, international business, marketing, and more. Just click on a category and get all of the information that you need, and then utilize the interactive flashcards to review everything that you have learned and to test your knowledge. With a glossary to guide you and tests that you can take to really see how much you know as well as your areas of weakness, this is the tool you need to survive every college exam, and you will want to take it with you when you start working in business management too.

QFINANCE Dictionary

Finance is a tough subject area even for the most astute student. This is due primarily to the fact that there are a lot of unique terms utilized in this industry that you need to learn before heading out and getting a job out there. But with the QFINANCE Dictionary app, you can have all of the jargon at your fingertips at a moment’s notice so that you can rest assured you will always be at the top of your game. Words and phrases such as accruals, repos, zero rates, and put options are all easy to access on this app, along with nearly 9,000 other terms related to business and finance.


This versatile app is a great way to connect with colleagues and fellow students whenever you cannot meet in person. It is a great way for a business manager to set up a meeting even when his or her employees are away from the office. Discuss projects, deadlines, and more with ease. If you are a student, you can begin practicing using this app by getting your fellow students together to discuss assignments, business related topics, exams, and more.

How to Organize a Small Business – MBA Learning Solutions

This app is the best way to turn your dreams of managing your own business into a reality. You can learn everything you need to manage a small business, with chapters that include finance and accounting, marketing, operations, law, taxes, and a lot more. Use the interactive flashcards to review the material that you read, and also be sure to take the tests so that you can gauge how much you have really absorbed.

Author Bio:
Debora Morris is a blogger who holds a degree in finance and knows just how important the right education is for guaranteeing success in the world of management. If you’re in business and you’re hoping to advance your career, look into getting an online masters degree in management programs and use this link to get more information.