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Top 5 Tech Instruments For Teens To Learn Better

Though not all parents like this, modern technologies are widely used by both teachers and students today. Internet education makes it possible to continue the process of study, when your kid doesn't have an opportunity to go to school or college (when he is ill, or when you change the place of living for example). That is why it would be not wise to ignore such tech instruments, as they can really help your child study and learn all the material better.

Teachers use “clouds” and social networks to provide more qualitative education to their students. Such platforms as Facebook and Twitter are used actively every day, and it seems impossible and too much to add other platforms to this everyday study routine. Anyway, if your kid understands how each of these tech instruments works, and what benefits he can get from it, he can easily choose the ones he needs most of all.

Here are 5 tech instruments, that can be used by your teen both for study and entertainment. That is why don't be in a hurry to argue with him if he spends much time on Facebook or Pinterest: maybe he uses these social networks for study.

The most of non-traditional lessons take place in “clouds”. These virtual communities provide teens with an education of high quality, taking into account some personal needs of every student.

Such a lesson is conducted in real time, and both teachers and students have access to all necessary materials. Everything needed for such a study is the Internet access. You don't have to bring books, textbooks, or any other physical equipment with you, because all the materials are saved in “a cloud”, that makes it easier to find the info needed and save all necessary notes.

This social network has a special program for pupils and students that is called Facebook Group for Schools. These online communities are like digital ad blackboards, where all groups' members can exchange files, show their works, and stay in touch with everything that happens in a campus .

Students and teachers can also use Facebook to create a special educative group online. Some schools even have special forums, where students and parents can find all the information, exchange photos or videos, or see the schedule of upcoming events.

Facebook also provides advice and recommendations for teachers and school psychologists.

This network can't provide you with the services described above, but it doesn't mean that Twitter has no benefits at all. Some schools ask students to create their profiles in Twitter and use them like a book club. As well as users discuss movies or celebs on the Internet, they can discuss their tasks or projects on Twitter. They can post their thoughts or questions regarding tasks, answer to the comments of their group mates.

Twitter can be very useful for students who listen to many lectures, when there is no time to ask many questions or interrupt a lecturer. They can post all their questions to Twitter, and a teacher would read all of them in the end of a class, and answer them.

Instead of drawing in their textbooks, students can create different useful notes with the help of such a micro-blogging platform as Tumblr.

Your kid can create a separate Tumblr account, or organize a group blog together with other pupils and teachers. They can leave tasks there, comment, ask questions, discuss the material, and interact with each other.

Don't think that Pinterest is good only for those users who like bright pictures. This social network can become a very useful platform for teachers, as they can create and post some lesson plans and schedules on the Web. Moreover, it can be a very good platform for both patents and students, who can post photos or ideas regarding the process of study.

Pinterest is a perfect place to save and store ideas and visual effects in the same format. As well as Tumblr, Pinterest can be used like a digital notebook, full of quotes, photos, illustrations, and videos.

Author Bio:
This is a guest post provided by Alex Strike, a blogger of Writing-Help website, who writes essays on different topics and help students reach their academic goals.