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Where Technology Meets Biology: Apps That Will Help You Stay Healthy

Many people have a hard time maintaining their health. There are so many different things to monitor and manage! However, your smartphone can help you be your personal best without any stress. Here are a few apps that will keep you healthy from head to toe.

Vision Test

Worsening vision is a problem we associate with old age, but it begins to gradually occur when people are relatively young. Changes in vision often go unnoticed because they happen so slowly. Unfortunately, this means that many people are unaware that they need vision aids such as glasses or laser eye surgery. In addition, changes in vision can be a symptom of various diseases and health problems, meaning a trip to the doctor could be needed. This app offers a variety of vision tests to help make sure your eyesight is up to par.


It can be difficult to keep track of medications, vitamins, supplements, and other health treatments. Dosecast makes it easy by reminding you to follow through. No longer do you need to worry about whether you missed a pill! The app does not only remind you to take pills, but to follow through on any health treatment. In one of the reviews, a user reports that this helped him to use eye drops after his laser eye surgery, ensuring a good result with no complications.

Lose It

Many Americans struggle with their weight. This app helps you to set daily goals for calories and exercise and to meet them. It takes all the guesswork out of healthy living and helps users to make better choices. Because it is totally free, there is no reason not to pursue your own weight loss or weight maintenance journey. 

Fitness Builder

What exercises are best for your body type? How can you tone up your thighs or get that six pack you have always wanted? This app, designed by personal trainers, allows you to design a fitness and exercise regime that is perfectly suited to your needs and your current level of fitness. The app includes over 5000 different exercises as well as access to a real live personal trainer.


Sleep has a huge effect on health but many Americans don't get enough of it! This app allows you to place your phone under your bed sheet and track not just the amount of sleep you are getting, but the amount of time in various important phases of sleep. It then wakes you every morning gently to a report of the day's weather. What a great way to start the day!

Stress Check

Stress is a virtual constant in modern life, so much so that people become to desensitized to it. Many people do not realize how stressed they are and the health effects that this can cause. Stress Check is an app that allows you to check your stress level. It also gives expert tips on reducing stress in the areas that most affect you.

Author Bio:
The contributor of this post, Jenny Wadlow, is an active blogger and a technology enthusiast. She often writes for Eye Laser, an eye clinic in Victoria that offers lasik treatment. You can follow her on Twitter @JennyWadlow.