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Extreme Tech: Plastic Cars

Technology plays an important role in our daily lives. It not only helps us perform daily tasks with greater ease, but in some cases may actually improve the quality of their final outcome. While technology has reached all parts of our world, it is especially prevalent in the field of automotive manufacturing. One of the hottest trends when it comes to vehicle technology today is in relation to plastic cars. Before purchasing a plastic car, however, it is important to understand both their benefits and drawbacks. 

What Are Plastic Cars? 

So what, exactly, are plastic cars? According to Extreme Tech, these are vehicles that have been made with a unique type of technology known as Fused Deposition Modeling. In this method, very thin layers of plastic are applied—one over another—for approximately 2,500 hours, until the complete exterior of the vehicle has been created. Car manufacturers can customize the appearance and durability of their automobiles by increasing or decreasing the number of layers in question on the car, truck, or SUV. Though this technology is relatively new, it is being considered for use by some of the largest and most important car makers in the world.

Benefits of Plastic Cars 

Experts agree that there are a number of benefits associated with the purchase of plastic cars. However, one of the most important perks may be in relation to the weight and strength of these unique vehicles. In fact, research suggests that cars that have been manufactured from the thin layers of plastic described above are not only quite light—but also exceptionally strong. This means that these vehicles may require less gas, produce fewer emissions, and be safer for all motorists on busy roads around the world.

Drawbacks of Plastic Cars 

Obviously, there are a number of important benefits associated with the production of plastic cars—however, it is crucial to remember that automobiles that have been made with plastic are not without drawbacks. Some experts suggest that since there has been little research done on the fundamentals of plastic car safety, drivers and passengers may be at an increased risk during their operation. In fact, there are currently no studies that evaluate the ability of these automobiles to hold up to head-on or side impact crashes. These issues are likely major drawbacks for men and women who are interested in the purchase of a “techy” car.

More on Plastic Cars 

As technology continues to grow, there will likely be a number of changes to cars and trucks in their modern form. And while most of these changes are likely to be beneficial, some can produce detrimental results. Individuals who are interested in the purchase of plastic cars should be sure to participate in a great deal of research before making a final decision. In most cases, consulting with car manufacturers, mechanics, and other automotive professionals can be useful when it comes to deciding whether or not this type of car is the right choice for you.

Author Bio:
Jacob Masters is a freelance writer and author who has worked in the health industry for over a decade. His goal in life is to increase the internet knowledge base one article at a time. He also likes to push the boundaries through his city wide evening excursions as a guerilla gardener.