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Five Fun Fashion Apps You Need Today

Your smartphone can do a number of different things. It lets you stay in touch with loved ones, download and listen to music, watch movies and even check your email. Did you also know that your smartphone can help you stay on top of the hottest fashion trends? You'll find those trends and much more with some of the fun fashion apps now available.


When you want a pair of turquoise heels to match your favorite new dress, you probably spend hours looking at shoes online. With Snapette, you can search for those shoes, and find results in seconds. Users can show off their favorite clothing and accessories and tag the pieces they upload. When you search with the app, you can see where shoppers found those items and how much they paid.

Fitting Room Social

How many times have you returned a pair of jeans that you loved but didn't fit right? If you're the type of woman who looks at size when shopping for clothes, you need Fitting Room Social. This app lets you talk about how products from different designers and manufacturers fit before you buy. You'll learn everything you need to know about the fit and style of different products from women who bought those products.


Find the hottest trends at affordable prices with TikTakTo. This shopping app lets you search for specific products, see what others shoppers purchased and find out which pieces are the most popular. You can also find deals and discounts that are only available to people in your area. The app partnered with other companies to deliver those deals specifically to members.

Trendstop Trendtracker

With Trendstop Trendtracker, you'll know more about the hottest trends before those pieces even land in stores. Department and chain stores work with predictors, who monitor the current trends and predict what the hottest trends will be in the future. While some of the trends are a little outside of the box, you'll see what looks might turn up on fashion runways and decide how you feel before those trends make it to your city. This app is a fun way to stay ahead of the fashion curve.


When you suddenly remember that you have an important client meeting or a first date, Touch Closet will help you plan the perfect outfit. After downloading the app, you take pictures of the clothing in your closet, and the app will record all of those pieces and accessories. Even if you're at work, on the bus or watching your brother's children, you can open the app and look through your closet. You can even update the app with new pieces you buy, making it easy to keep track of what you own and create new outfits.

These apps will help you stay on top of fashion trends and find new ways to wear the clothing you already own. You'll even find easier ways to shop and find clothing that fits your body size and personal fashion style.
Author Bio:
This post is authored by Howard Rand, an avid blogger and a mixed martial art practitioner. He recommends investing in good mixed martial arts equipment.