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Keeping the Holidays Happy with Power Inverters

Planning a holiday with the family and driving to your destination? Or maybe you are planning a trip alone to the great outdoors? Using power inverters can help keep your holiday happy. Even with the rise of vehicles equipped with multimedia centers, few offer outlets to power and recharge the other electronics that have become part of our lives. Solo travel doesn’t mean you can forgo recharging; there is always a need to have the phone or laptop charged to stay in contact with home.

Choosing the right power inverters for your trips can keep things moving along. By having more sources for power to devices, kids can run their separate multimedia and gaming systems to help keep the quiet and you can keep the GPS going while charging your phone and laptop.

Powering the Entertainment

Drop down multimedia screens in small vans and caravans have become the norm, even the smaller SUVs now offer them. That is a perfect solution if you are keeping one child busy on a long trip, but children tend to be had in small groups. Small groups, it should be pointed out, that rarely agrees on anything and is easily bored.

As seen on Don Rowe, you can run power inverters from the 12v sockets in the dash of the car so that every child has their own power source. A good way to do this on a trip is to make sure you have an extension connector long enough to run from the dash under the front passenger seat to the back seating area. Tuck the cord under the runner rugs to keep from getting tangled in it and the kid’s will have easy access to the outlets.

Using Power to Keep in Touch

Smart phones offer many options to keep you in touch with your loved ones and stay on top of the latest news and weather. They also have remarkably short battery times. Even with using power inverters you may find yourself with a low battery, so how do you properly use an inverter to prevent this? Don’t leave the phone constantly connected to the inverter, as that will train the battery to a lower charge rate. Instead, get a backup battery and make sure that one is always charging.

Connection Options

The majority of small power inverters sold connect directly through the dash, but they might not be capable of supplying the type of power you need. Look to the sizing charts on the power inverters you are considering to make sure they are rated for the number and type of appliances you plan on connecting. Larger inverters may be best connected directly to the vehicle’s battery.

Don’t forget the Generator

With the recent trend towards hotter summers and freezing cold winters, there are more and more power outages from the mains. Many people buy a backup generator for their homes but fail to consider how many (and what type) of appliances they can attach to it. Power inverters can help you manage the electricity produced by a generator by maximizing the number of outlets available but controlling their draw on the output.

Make a plan for the power you need and then match your needs to the right power inverter. Having one on hand in the glove box or tucked away in the cabinet can help you keep things moving along!

Author Bio:
As the full time manager for a website marketing organization, Dan toils as a posting visitor to service the business world in the Mother Land. He lives in California, and is enjoying life together with his lovely lady and 3 squirts. Mr. H. summons visitors to look through his Google status as soon as they get a chance.