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Some Awesome Gadgets To Spring Clean Your Home And Workplace With Ease!

Sometimes you have to stop whatever it is that you are doing and get down and dirty with the mess that has somehow amassed itself in your home or office. Not all of us have the budget to hire a few housekeepers for this purpose and the money we lose by stopping our work is another issue entirely. Whether you ply your trade in a business premises or from the comfort of your own home, you need to ensure that the workspace is nice and clean to avoid health and safety issues. Thankfully there have been some awesome developments that take some of the hard work out of achieving this goal. This article reviews a few of these gadgets that promise to help you out in your time of cleaning need!

Neato Robotics XV-12 robot vacuum - $371.29

Our first cleaning gadget is truly straight out of the 22nd century, and it is available for you to try right now! There are already a number of robotic vacuum cleaners on the market but this is definitely as good as any of them. This little powerhouse will vacuum the heck out of any floor surface you put in its path and come back for more. The built in navigation sensors enable this appliance to clean your entire house without you ever having to get down and dirty with the dusty old floor. This model is a little louder than some of the more expensive brands, but it has them beat in terms of sucking power and cornering ability. Just remember to pick up your spare change before unleashing the Neato because it will be devoured as easily as a kid eating an ice cream. Thankfully, the dirt trap will allow you to reclaim any coins or other hard objects with ease!

The Scooba 230 - $299

Our second gadget is another robotic cleaner, but before you accuse us of turning this article into a ‘Robot Wars’ tribute, the Scooba 230 has a few other tricks up its cunning sleeves. This gadget is all about helping you clean in those wet rooms that we really love to avoid dealing with. It is much smaller than the Neato and can get into really tight spaces with ease. As well as being totally automated, the Scooba is just dying to be let loose on your tiled floors and bathroom areas. It employs 2 different scrubbing brushes and can bring a shine to the grimiest of floor areas.  You can set the computerised control panel for a standard cleaning cycle or a 20 minute session for a real deep clean result. The onboard squeegee and vacuum will turn a dirty wet floor into a shiny dry one whilst you go about your daily business. Nobody really enjoys scrubbing those dirty floors and now you can pass this dubious pleasure over to your pet Scooba! Now if only you could find a robot to do the rest of your work for you!

Robots 2 Grime 0

This is surely the signs of things to come, but who’s complaining? Certainly not us!
Today’s guest author, John Brown, is currently working with Zenith Ultrasonic Cleaning Systems. He is very passionate about video photography and camera techniques. To know more about his innovative ideas.