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4 Great And Unusual Packaging Designs

Some manufacturers rely on advertising to sell their wares, and some rely on brand name. Others are more creative, and rely on their packaging to attract people to their products. Some of this packaging can beautiful, some of it unusual and some collectable; whichever it is, there is no doubt that it is an effective ploy, and below are some examples that prove the point. Packaging can sell products, no matter what is inside.

Red Bull Cola

Cola firms generally avoid publishing their recipes to the public, and often jealously guard their “secret” ingredients. Here Red Bull has gone in the opposite direction, using the ingredients as the product, and packaging them beautifully for its customers. The wooden box, compartmentalising each ingredient, is a lovely way to package something that is probably neither necessary nor practical. However, there is little doubt that the product will sell, as the packaging will make it so attractive for buyers.


Looking at this packaging you would never guess that the products inside were condoms. This packaging is an excellent way to take the embarrassment away from purchasing a totally necessary item. The packaging itself is beautifully designed with pastel colours, flowers, and a gentle drawing of a street scene, which is a complete contrast to the norm. The “It’s all about love” statement is also a stroke of genius, and differs so much from other brands. The packaging has made this product a sure fire winner, and the designers should be proud.

Absolute Vodka Rock Edition

This is a stunning piece of packaging, which wouldn’t look out of place in a fetish shop. Absolute Vodka has pulled out all the stops to bring us a shocking though brilliant bottle. The glass bottle is encased in a black leather sheath adorned with metal studs, and I’m sure that you will see this bottle on many a drinks shelf in bars and private homes. It’s a possibility that many of the people buying this product won’t even like vodka, and that is why manufacturers pay for great packaging design.

Klein Constantia Farm Honey

This beautifully designed and crafted box is a perfect container for the honey it holds. The box is in the shape of a bee’s box, and is made in such a way that even the wooden slats are represented on the packaging design. The minimalist exterior sees only a bee going into the box through the entrance and the companies crest, which is gold foiled onto it, on the front. When you open the box the inside it decorated with bees, and there are even die cast bees that fall out of the packaging. This is a creative and fun piece of packaging, which invites interest from shoppers everywhere.

The difference between good packaging design and great packaging design is quite simple. Good packaging design encourages people to buy the contents of the packaging, great packaging design makes people buy the packaging no matter what is inside.

Author Bio:
Jenny Wadlow, the author of this post, is a freelance blogger. She is associated with Motto, leading packaging designers. She likes to paint in her spare time and specializes in portraits. Follow her on Twitter @JennyWadlow.