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Improve the Facebook Experience: Life-Changing Apps

Looking for a life-changing app? How about a new game to feed your gaming addiction? Look no further than you favorite social network, Facebook. It offers some of the most innovative ways to connect, play and challenge yourself.


Love your tunes, skip the ads. Soundcloud (SoundNebula on Blackberry phones) is perfect for music lovers who aren't so fond of commercials. It's a community of artists posting their own music on the web for everyone to hear. Log on and download a couple of tunes today, and you'll see what the buzz is about. The app flaunts "ten hours of music is uploaded every minute" on their Facebook app page so there's plenty of songs for browsing on cell phones. And with some phones boasting 13.5 hours of battery life, according to, you can listen to music all day. You'll enjoy comedy skits, news and more along with extremely diverse music. Plus, it's ad-free, and free to install.


An old classic on a new phone, Scrabble will keep you occupied and mentally engaged for hours at a time. This app is perfect for long road trips and vacations, and its ideal if you love this game but rarely have the time to sit down and play. Featuring bright graphics, and an easy-to-play interface, you can challenge your BFF to game after game and see who the true word smith really is. This app is available for $3.99, about the cost of a latte.


Ever wonder why people don't buy something meaningful and worthwhile when we have something as powerful as online social networking? Causes is the social app that hears you. It lets you take advantage of all this human inter connectivity to make people aware of social, political and human rights issues. This app is free and available on any phone with a Facebook app. Use it to spread the word about a favorite charity, or make friends aware of global issues.


You ditched the CD collection years ago, now you have a scattering of MP3 downloads on your past devices, which together appear like a timeline of technology innovations. Well introduce yourself to Spotify, an app for cataloging your music—all of it. Spotify is sort of like a mobile music library. It stores all your favorite music and gives you instant access.There are millions of tracks available for your hungry ears—more tracks than you probably have time to listen to. You can share music you are currently jamming to with friends on Facebook. There are two versions of this app. Lite lets you play the radio, but not catalog your music. Premium is $10 a month and you can catalog your music or listen to the radio.


Want more music plus sports and news? TuneIn is a radio app for your phone. It offers your favorite songs, plus broadcasts of your favorite team's home opener, and the latest news. Listen to streams from popular networks like CBS and ESPN. Find your newest favorite song on radio stations around the country and around the globe, set up pre-selected stations, and play your music on your device while you surf the web. It also features an alarm so you can wake up to your tunes. Best of all, it is free.

Author Bio:
Elizabeth Creighton.
Elizabeth has a passion for blogging about travel and new vacation spots. When she's not writing, Elizabeth spends time being a mom to her two children.