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Kick Out The Stresses Of Life With These Relaxing iOS Apps!

Where do you go in order to get away from the hustle and bustle of modern life? Some of us love to slope off to the local Spa for some serious unwinding and watery frolics, whilst others can chill down by simply listening to their favourite band. But what happens when you’ve only 10 minutes of opportunity staring you in the face? It would be awesome to have a button that we could press to bring an instant state of relaxation, but that isn’t available as far as we know. So how about some of those relaxation Apps that seem to be all the rage at the moment? Are they really that good or just a load of hot air trapped inside a sexy Smartphone cover? We’ve got hold of two of the latest iOS Market Apps for this article and promise an unbiased review for your pleasure – so please sit back and relax!

Zen Bound 2 Universal By Secret Exit Ltd - $2.99

This App will run on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and it requires iOS 4.3 or later for smooth running. Okay, this App is actually a game, but it brings some serious beauty to the table and is actually very relaxing indeed. You will be amazed by the intricate graphics that kind of draw you in without really letting you know. You can easily waste half an hour in Zen Bound 2 and will definitely feel a lot more chilled after you finally turn off. The aim of this game is to wrap a rope around various wooden objects and the overall affect is very easy on the eye as well as allowing the user to wind down nicely. It probably sounds like a load of tosh, but don’t knock it until you try it. Zen Bound 2 will definitely work its Eastern magic on most of you lucky souls.

TanZen Free By Little White Bear Studios – Free

This App will run on your iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad and will require iOS 5.0 or later for smooth running. Surprise surprise, our second iOS relaxation App is another game! TanZen is a very clever combination of cool gameplay and chilled soundtrack, the 2 really work well together and you’ll soon be drifting away on a cloud of smiles! The puzzles will certainly offer a challenge to the most tightly wound mind set and as they start to make sense, your mind will begin to relax. TanZen Free has 54 puzzles onboard and some of them are downright complicated, but you’ll get them eventually. The paid version contains 567 of these bad boys and only weighs in at a measly $2.99. The reviews of this little App have already been rolling in and you will soon see why. Just try the free version for a few weeks and we can guarantee that the $2.99 version will soon be on your wish list – Awesome!

1,2,3 iOS and Relax!

So there you have it, both of these beauties offer a sweet and safe retreat from this busy world…lovely!
Author Bio:
David Peters, the author of this article, works at, Spa Rite, leaders in swim spas in Melbourne. He enjoys the beauty of the outdoors and finds it thrilling to undertake short adventure trips to exotic locations.