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Mediterranean Interior Design Ideas For Your Home

Many people around the world have taken holidays to the Mediterranean.  Of those who haven’t, the chances are that they’ve dined in a Mediterranean restaurant, or visited a home store displaying Mediterranean themes, and been inspired by what they saw.
Some people look at Mediterranean interior design, get inspired, and leave their interest there. Others take their inspiration and act on it, bringing some brilliant design ideas into their home, and turning their abode into their own Mediterranean paradise.
Getting inspired with Mediterranean interior design is easy; here are some ideas that might help you to get started, regardless of your previous exposure to such trends.

Open Kitchens and Dining Rooms

One of the hallmarks of Mediterranean interior design is the kitchen – the area is famous for people who live there loving their food, after all – so that is the natural place to start.
Our own preference would be to either go for a unit where the cooker attaches directly onto a table in the center of the room, although this is probably best avoided if you have younger children.
At the same time, it is a great way to bring the whole family together at mealtimes, and avoids the bad habit of one or two people cooking in the kitchen while others congregate around the television.
Finish the kitchen with ‘shabby chic’ wooden doors and units, and go for flame colored tiled floors throughout.
Plastic grapes and olives hanging from the ceiling, restaurant style, are optional.

Mediterranean Living Space

We’d never promote rooms that are filled with magnolia or are otherwise neutral to the point of boring, but if you want your living room or lounge area to get Mediterranean, it is actually a great starting point.
From here, continuing with tiled floors or using natural wooden flooring is up to you, but it is with the furniture where you will make the biggest difference in terms of getting Mediterranean. You can actually play around here, and a combination of garden and vintage furniture can work brilliantly. The key is to keep it as relaxed and informal as possible, so avoid stuffy looking sofas or chairs as much as you can.
If you do want fluffy things to relax on, consider floor cushions or even bean bags throughout your living room; not only do they give a unique look, they feel great to lounge on, too.

Getting Grand in the Bedroom

The bedroom is probably your biggest opportunity to get grandiose when it comes to Mediterranean interior design ideas.
In terms of color, we’re thinking neutral again, but from this point, you have a full range of choices to do whatever you want. The best Mediterranean look means either a huge sleigh or a four-poster bed, keeping furniture minimal but desirable looking.
Large dressers, chests, and vintage armchairs should be part of your shopping list, while anything else is an optional extra; the key is to ensure it fits in with what you’ve already got in your bedroom.

The Mediterranean Attraction

Mediterranean interior design is among the most attractive and desirable trends currently popular in the industry. The relaxed, informal, yet classic and timeless nature of Mediterranean living make such designs a must for anyone who want to bring a touch of the area to their home.

Author Bio:
Terance is an interior design expert who specializes in geographical inspired trends from around the world. Teranceloves sliding wardrobe doors, and always advises his clients and customers to build these into their room design, irrespective of the central theme.