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Solar Power Is The Future

The rising cost of power might be a thorn in the side of every consumer but the ever-improving solar power industry certainly represents a comforting light at the end of the tunnel.
Today, the feasibility of solar power is a globally recognised solution that’s been adopted by everyone from home owners and small businesses to large conglomerates around the world. Technology to harness the power of the sun first emerged in the 1860’s and was later put on hold due to the mass availability of coal and petroleum. Due to a 1973 oil embargo and a 1979 energy crisis, however, attention was once again put on the development of solar technology – and thank goodness it was. By the early 80’s photovoltaic or solar cell installations experienced rapid growth and since the 90’s, due to oil and natural gas supply issues and global warming concerns, the solar industry has simply been sky rocketing.
The sheer impact of solar power energy on the planet is undeniable and if today’s standards are anything to go by, it seems set to play a momentous part in the future of world-energy. Some notable solar energy projects include:

Solar Power Is The Future

Gujarat Solar Park in India
This is the name of a group of solar parks being constructed in Gujarat in India that are set to be complete sometime in 2013. It’s been estimated that the park will collectively be responsible for saving around 8 million tonnes of carbon dioxide from being released into the atmosphere. And each year, it will save about 900 000 tonnes of natural gas. State of the art facilities like this are setting the bar high for businesses around the world when it comes to energy, and it’s an attractive prospect for investors too.

Solar energy to be main energy source for Gulf countries
Clean, renewable sources of energy are taking centre stage in countries like Saudi Arabia, Qatar and United Arab Emirates. It’s recently been estimated that solar power energy will be the Persian Gulf’s main source of energy by 2017, with 155 billion dollar’s worth of installation projects currently underway. Experts from the international solar power industry are currently being called in to make decisions about the challenges that come with solar constructions in desert terrain.

Solar powered wheelchairs
We’re already using solar power for things like traffic lights and water heating, but a group of students in the USA took it to a whole new level when they invented a solar powered wheel chair during a competition held for World Cerebral Palsy Day. The invention, which includes a USB port and a GPS navigation system, won the students the competition – and an invention disclosure has been filled out for the product. We may very well see it being manufactured sometime soon.
If the future of solar is a prospect that excites you, we’d recommend starting in your very own home. Installation professionals are readily available and can have you saving on your power bills significantly with their smart solar power solutions.

Author Bio:
Ruan is data analyst for a national research company. He has a keen interest in solar power and the usage of solar power energy. He lives with his wife and daughter away from the hustle and bustle of the city.