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3 Factors to Consider in Cloud Migration

Enterprise-grade cloud solutions have become more popular among organisations as the platforms continue to advance in meeting security and feature demands. Many have approached cloud storage cautiously, running only small workloads at first, and ramping it up once the system becomes more comfortable. No matter which environment you choose, there are a few things to take note of as you migrate to the cloud:

Cloud Migration

1. Use resources to fit needs

When not planned for appropriately, businesses can overprovision their employees and give them tools they might not use. Choosing which resources to provide will ensure the organisations have the right reliability, performance and scalability features at their disposal, while also reducing potential asset waste, according to Network World. Having the right-sized cloud solution will also grant employees the power to handle various sized workloads that may arise. By analysing immediate and future needs of the company, less money will be allocated for unnecessary features, driving an overall improvement across all aspects of using the cloud solution.

2. Assess the potential risk

Cloud hosting services have traditionally come with concerns over security and losing control over the system, but by understanding the risk factors, the business can better prepare to handle them. Network World contributor Piyush Pant noted that having a definitive disaster recovery plan in place along with maintaining a backup schedule for critical assets will help mitigate the loss of any important information. As for security needs, a secure server may be the solution to keeping corporate data safe.

3. Migrate resources appropriately

With any transference project, the organisation must ensure that their system will support the necessary resources. InfoWorld writer David Linthicum noted that many businesses migrate applications without using cloud-native features, influencing performance ability.

"The problem is that most organizations migrating to cloud-based platforms don't change the applications to use the features of their target platform," Linthicum wrote. "The resulting applications don't optimize the platform, so they are more expensive to operate - in fact, their overall cost could end up higher than leaving the legacy apps in place."

Migrating to the cloud has become significantly more intensive as the technology continues to advance. As cloud becomes more important to business functions, organisations will need to use the features effectively in order to yield the expected benefits.

Author Bio:
Brain Brafton loves and lives technology. A big data geek and an information retrieval junkie he consumes, analyses, interprets and process data like he was a machine. On a continual learning iteration he believe life is a journey not a destination. To keep in contact with Brain find him on Google+ or on Twitter