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Are Acting Skills Important In Negotiations?

Are acting skills important in negotiations? Well in the business world, negotiations take place every day and are an essential part of running an effective business. The problem is that day after day we see small businesses closing down and big businesses asking for government assistance. Gone are the days when businesses could afford to hire the best of the best, give them all the resources they need and let them loose to do their job.

Times have changed and in today’s world instead of hiring on new executives with years of experience with top-notch management and negotiation skills we need to nurture and train both ourselves and our employees to do these jobs.

Even more important is that the old, corporate, management training systems no longer work and we need to look farther afield for inspiration. Coupled with the decline of traditional training is the need for a competitive edge - to rise above our competitors and increase our brand exposure – a stance that is becoming more and more indispensable for long term market sustainability.

We all know that one way to get ahead in the business world is by having good negotiation skills. To this end many businesses are now employing the services of expert negotiation consultancies, who provide workshops and ongoing support, to train hand-picked employees and business owners in the art of negotiation.

Skilled negotiators possess high-level problem solving skills, are experts in their field and can think on their feet. Negotiation consultancies now incorporate acting techniques such as role playing or improvisation in their workshops to enhance the key skills that every negotiator needs.

Acting skills and negotiation

Acting techniques have long been used by public speakers to increase their confidence and enhance their performances.  Improvisation techniques are a form of acting that focusses on adapting to changing circumstances, reacting to unexpected events, being focussed and ‘in the moment’ – it is about innovation and creativity. Improvisation is all about communication and collaboration, team building and empowerment - empowering employees to bring their creativity to work within brand parameters.

Negotiations are a dynamic process and skilled negotiators display all the above skills – they can think on their feet, adapt quickly and are innovative and creative problem solvers. Many business schools are now teaching improvisation techniques to their students to increase creativity and leadership skills.

3 Ways improvisation skills can help your business

Think fast - Thinking fast and responding to changing circumstances, difficult clients or critical negotiations can lift your business to the next level.
Improve customer service – Loose the robotic scrips, allow one-to-one connections with customers and empower employees to react honestly to unexpected situations – within brand limits.
Increase leadership skills – Reduce stress levels, increase team-work, learn new decision-making skills and increase your ability to lead.

As business becomes more global, there is a greater need for collaboration and negotiation. Having the ability to generate new ideas on the fly, to be more creative, to communicate well and to solve problems fast are all necessary skills in today’s business world. So are acting skills important in negotiations? You bet they are!

Author Bio:
By Susan Glover. Susan is a freelance writer, journalist and an independent business consultant.