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Essential Accessories For Your Car This Winter

As the winter weather fast sets in, you can never be over prepared when it comes to spare car parts or car accessories.  Imagine you break down on the side of the road, in freezing rain or snow, and have absolutely no spare parts in your boot to get yourself back on the road.  Of course, even if you don’t know how to fix your car yourself, you could always call someone or flag someone down to help you, but having your own spare car parts is always helpful.  Here are some handy parts and accessories to keep in your car during the coming winter.

Snow Socks

Heavy snow and ice have become all too familiar occurrences in England in recent winters, so it’s best to be prepared for the worst.  Roads become slippery and dangerous, and black ice on the road is often difficult to see.  Invest in snow socks for your tires, as these will increase your grip and traction.  These can be incredibly useful, and possibly life-saving, on roads that haven’t been gritted or used so much that the ice has melted away.  Snow socks only take a few seconds to slip onto your car’s tires.

Car Bulbs

With winter comes poor visibility, so it is important to have top quality spare bulbs in order for you to see the road, but more importantly for other cars to see you.  Poor quality or old car lamps may disorientate other drivers as they drive towards you, as they think you are a motorcyclist.  As well as this, it greatly reduces what you can see in poor visibility conditions such as heavy rain or snow.  Good car bulbs are essential for your safety and the safety of others on the road so it makes sense to have a spare bulb kit in your boot at all times, just in case.

Jump Leads

If your car won’t start on a cold morning and needs a bit of a kick, jump leads are very useful to have in your car.  If you’re not comfortable doing the jump start yourself, get the person whose car you’re using to help!

Car Mats

The ground can get very messy during winter, what with the sodden ground and brown slush that was once white snow.  This is where car mats come in handy as no one wants their car to get messy.  Car mats are easy to take out of the car and clean so it is a good idea to deploy them for each seat in the car.  After all, who wants dirt trodden into the precious car’s carpet?

Boot Liners

In winter weather it can be a good idea to invest in a boot liner for your boot.  If you’re throwing dirty things in your boot, such as tires, shoes and tools into your boot, it can quickly become very messy and dirty.  However if you get a boot liner, you can throw your dirty walking shoes into the boot without the worry of completely making a mess of it.
If you invest in these car parts and accessories, you’re bound to be well prepared for the weather that winter will throw at you.

Author Bio:
Written by John Smyth, who is an avid motor enthusiast and is definitely going to kit out his car for the dangerous, wintery driving conditions.