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How To Live Green And Save Money

With increasing reports informing us of the impact and damage society has and does to the environment, most of us are looking for ways to live a greener lifestyle and become more eco-friendly. Although concerns are high, many of us are seemingly unaware of how simple it is to live an eco-friendly life, and the dual benefits of going green. By making changes in an effort to go green, you can also save a considerable amount of money. For those who want to make changes to their lifestyle and reduce their carbon footprint, here are some simple ways to start living eco-friendly.  

Insulate to Stay Warm

Insulating your home is the best way to ensure that you stay warm over the colder months but don’t end up with a sky-high heating bill, and also is a great way to live greenly. Although paying for insulation to be installed can be costly, it is often a one off payment that can provide years of warmth and bill reduction.
Homes that are already experiencing winter chills may want to focus on installing loft or attic insulation rather than wall cavity insulation, and may also want to consider simple temporary ways to prevent cold air from entering your property. A home can easily retain warmth through using thermal lined curtains and door draft excluders which are both long lasting, eco-friendly ways of staying cosy.

Turn off at the Plugs

We’ve all been told about how much energy we are wasting by leaving household appliances on standby, but many of us still forget to make the effort to turn items off as the mains. With statistics showing that by shutting down a computer properly overnight, individuals can save on average around £60 (US$95) a year, then by remembering to turn off over electrical items such as televisions, lights, and hi-fi’s, homeowners can save a lot of money on their monthly energy bills and vastly reduce their carbon footprint.
If you find yourself constantly forgetting, then placing signs at your front door, or a note by your bedside table is a non-technical way to remember, but there are also plenty of gadgets, like these, that can let you turn off items at the plug using remote controls and the internet.

Get Rid of the Car

One of the main ways an individual obtains a high carbon footprint is through personal transport. With many continuing to use and rely on their own vehicles and ignoring the benefits of alternative modes of travel, individual carbon emissions and energy costs still remain high. By getting rid of your own car, and using public transport, a bicycle, and even a hire vehicle when needed, you can reduce your energy use and annually save an incredible amount of money.
When assessing the benefits of not owning a car, individuals should consider how much money they will save on insurance, maintenance, fuel, and note that when using a hire car service, like this one, they will always be able to temporarily hire a vehicle suitable for their needs, and know that the hire car has met with up-to-date safety standards.

Shop Local

In order to achieve greener living, you need to incorporate environmentally friendly ideas into all aspects of your lifestyle. Aside from ensuring that your home has been modified to be eco-friendly, you can also reduce your carbon footprint in other ways.
By shopping locally, and being conscientious of food miles, you can easily lower the carbon footprints of yourself and your family, support smaller businesses, and save money. Working out an estimate of the food miles your product has is relatively simple, as most boxed foodstuffs have their manufacturing location clearly displayed, and fruits and vegetables will often have labels or signs showing where the item was farmed, meaning that you can easily buy food with a low carbon emission.

Author Bio:
Beth Stubbings is constantly looking for ways to live a greener life. She would recommend Collison, a car hire company based in Portsmouth, to those looking to rent vehicles and be eco-friendly.