How To Use A T-shirt Printing App (iTunes Snap Tee) To Upgrade Your Closet
The modern world is filled with people and lives that are tech oriented. You find that most aspects of life in the world today including food, clothing, homes and places of work are driven by technology advancement. It is no surprise that you can now use a phone app to design your t-shirts or even to add a sense of style and personality to them.
The best thing about this is that you are now able to customize your own clothing items from the comfort of your home. This way you save time and money and you are not limited since you can have any design you like. If you have an iPhone, the process is even easier since all you need is the iTunes Snap Tee app and you are good to go.
How does the app work?
Snap Tee is very easy to use since all you need is your phone. You create the image you want with your phone. You can import an image from your phone gallery, of either a picture that you took or a downloaded image. You can even use creative images from your Instagram account. The second thing is to choose a template and add a filter.
You can play around with fonts and colours as well as different textures until you arrive at the image you want. Then you send it to the app site and you have it shipped to you for less than 30 dollars per piece.
The advantage of using this app
With Snap Tee, you are at liberty to use your own imagination. The tools are easy to use and you can make many t-shirts within a short time. You do not have to pay a graphic designer to do it for you, since he or she may not really get what you have in mind.
The tees come in different sizes so you order according to your size they are made in good quality cotton so you will get your monies worth. You can also custom order them in girl or boy shapes. Your design is locked on in your account. This means that other people may be able to see it, but only you are able to purchase it. You can even set your privacy settings in a way that you are the only one who can see them.
The moral code
You are allowed to be creative in your designs, but the app does not allow obscene art. This means that any prints with vulgar or offensive language and messages will be rejected. If you have a racist message on your print, it will not be permitted. The same case applies to porn, copyrighted art, brand names, logos and any inappropriate designs. If you want to use a logo or brand, make sure that it is yours and you can prove it.
You can even earn with snap tee app
If you design a tee and it receives attention, it can be sold and you will earn 10% of each tee that has your design on it. You will keep earning until he money gets to $100 and it is sent to you via pay pal. If you want people to buy your design, make sure that you press the "publish and sell" button to enable them to do so.
However, some people may take your design and remix it to make t their own. If that happens, then they own the rights to the new one. Make sure that you copyright your designs so that they pay for it before remixing it.
You have quality assurance
You are assured of a quality tee with the app since they use modern printing gear to produce your shirt. Besides using white organic cotton tees, they use a new digital printing process. It uses a computer to print your image directly on the t-shirt. This is good for you because none of your details will be lost in printing.
The payment process
Once you have designed your shirt and sent it for printing, you get a billing for the work. You can pay via PayPal, which is the most common mode of payment. If you don't have a PayPal account, proceed to pay with your credit card. Your order comes to your billing and shipping address. If you happen to change that after making the order, then send an informative email to the site right away. Hope you will try this app out after listening to its fun features!
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License: Creative Commons image source
License: Creative Commons image source
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License: Royalty Free or iStock source:
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License: Image author owned
Author Bio:
Today’s feature contributor, Megan Gomez, is a frequent blogger who works for a company called PromoPays, specialists in custom T-shirt printing. She is a designer by profession and is always looking out for the latest design apps.