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Infographic: Top 10 Most Distracting Mobile Apps

Do you drive distracted? Do you often change songs, text, or even Vine while driving? Well many of you do! ingenie are always looking out for the safety of younger drivers, and have noticed the high number of young people on the road who are too easily distracted by such technical devices, and in particular - mobile apps. Due to this, they have complied an eye opening infographic. The graphic explores the various mobile apps, and how often they are used whilst driving. This is all part of their #DontDriveDistracted campaign, to raise awareness of the dangers of driving distracted.

Be sure to join in, and be part of the campaign, by submitting your pledge to NOT drive distracted! You can do this via Twitter, Instagram, or Vine – but be sure to use the hastag ‘#DontDriveDistracted’!
