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Top 7 Most Innovative Companies In Health Care

Healthcare is an issue that affects each and every one of us. We want to live the longest number of years possible, and we want those years to be enjoyable and well spent. This means we need those in the healthcare industry to provide us with innovations.
Fortunately companies are doing this every single day, making it easier to address many different health concerns that were once untreatable or far more difficult to treat. These companies invent products that make health care feasible for all individuals, assisting with a variety of concerns and complaints.

What are those innovative companies we should be thanking? Take a look at 7 of the very best.

1. Sproxil

Sproxil is making a change in the pharmaceutical world, helping put an end to fraudulent pharmacies. Every year these fake drugs that are created and sold are responsible for deaths of more than 700,000 individuals from around the world. With Sproxil, patients can easily determine the drug is authentic by simply scratching the label for a code. This code is sent to Sproxil via SMS messaging and the validity of the medication of validated for you. More than 2- million people have used the Sproxil service since it began.

2. Proteus Digital Health

Proteus Digital health brought the world an ingestible sensor. What is this and why would it be beneficial? The sensor allows doctors to see inside of the human body. This makes diagnosing your health condition far easier. The sensor is small and uses the stomach acid to power up. The information is then sent to your smartphone, determining how a specific medication is affecting you. The product earned FDA approval in 2012.

3. SynCardia Systems

We can’t survive without a heart, and thanks to SynCardia Systems, those who have the need for a transplant can do so. SynCardia Systems is the creator of the one and only artificial heart. The heart is used while patients wait on the transplant to take place. Success rates are outstanding, with a 79% ranking.

4. SafePoint

SafePoint is an innovative company that produced a safe way to dispose of used syringes. A major health concern in countries like Africa and India, reusing syringes is responsible for a number of illnesses each year. It is becoming a concern inside of the United States as well, though still not as common as in the other countries. The container offered from SafePoint allows disposal of the syringe in a lockable, one-time-use container.

5. Envoy Medical

Envoy Medical created the first surgically implanted hearing system that is FDA-approved. The system helps those with age related hearing loss, as well as that caused by infections and noises.

6. D-Rev

D-Rev makes the top 7 list because it provided something so desperately needed by millions –affordable healthcare. In third-world countries, access to healthcare is difficult to find, and oftentimes expensive. Although improved from long ago, it is still expensive to find quality care. D-Rev came in and designed affordable and quality products and instruments that third-world countries could afford to purchase and still provide reasonably priced care.

7. GE

The GE name is one that you are certainly familiar with. They have brought to us many innovative products, including the VScan. The Vscan device is a pocket-size ultrasound that makes it possible to reach a patient who may be unable to get inside of a medical facility and for a variety of other situations. Doctors also appreciate the ease of use of the device. The ultrasound is connected to a iPod and works just like the larger ultrasounds found inside of hospitals and clinics.

Author Bio:
This article is contributed by Pritam Nagrale who is an internet marketer & blogger from Mumbai. He blogs at Top Companies India where he writes about the business & other important details of Indian companies.