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5 Education Technology Trends

Education continues to be fueled by technology as it is beneficial to the teaching and learning process. In fact, there are distinct technology trends that have enabled students and educators to experience an enhanced learning process and system as technology helps make learning much easier, more widespread and global.

Portable Computing Devices

The use of portable computing devices, such as laptops and tablets, allows students to have access to things such as the Internet and applications to facilitate the learning process. Long gone are the days where students had to wait their turn to use a computer in a classroom or wait for computer class to have a chance to enjoy such features. Portable devices bring that computing power and ability right in to the hands of students to help speed up and streamline the educational process.

Educational Portals For Questions and Support

The creation of a teacher or school supported student portal has been a technological innovation that allows students to seek out help when the need arises. This means that students can pose and post questions about homework or other assignments and receive feedback from teachers, support staff or even other students. This allows students to take a more active role in getting the help they need.

Online Access To Global Information and Data

One of the keys to educational success is having access to the right information. This is made much easier via the online access that is readily available to students. This removes the need of having to hunt down and wait for reference books as the information, when found through trusted websites, is found online and thus students do not have to wait for that pertinent information they need to complete assignments.

Streaming Video

Streaming video has become a technology tool that is useful for many aspects of education. One is that live streaming video of current news and events can be shown to students in real time to help make current event studies more relevant. In addition, educators can prepare speeches, lectures and lessons in advance for times when they will be out of the classroom and that allows students to maintain the same course schedule even when a substitute is present. Streaming video can also be used by students to make more enhanced presentations or submit oral assignments when they are out from school and sick.

Instant Messaging

The use of instant messaging has been a technology trend for many years that has been used by businesses and for personal reasons. It has now found its way to the education space as teachers or tutors can set up blocks of time where group chat sessions happen and thus students can get extra help even while they are at home. This is also a useful tool for students working in teams or groups on larger assignments as they can chat in real time with one another without having to be in the same location. This brings a real life communication element to those who may otherwise not be able to participate in such a manner.

Author Bio:
Jesse L. is a creative writer for Get A PhD. He earned a perfect 800 on the Math S.A.T. and is currently studying Computer Science at Stanford University.