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Best Last-Minute Christmas Gift Ideas

Even though Christmas comes every single year it can really easily get you by surprise. There are so many things to sort out right before the holidays and it is often the busiest time at the workplace as well.
No matter how well you prepare you can easily find yourself thinking about gifts on the last possible moment. To save you from disaster here are some last-minute Christmas gift ideas.

Gather Your Own Hamper

Although the Christmas hampers might have disappeared from the shops you can always create your own hamper. Just purchase a lovely basket or box and fill it with some lovely Christmassy items.
For instance, get some chocolate, Christmas toffee and some salty snacks like nuts or crisps. You can also include some fruit or even cheese for the hamper.
Include a bottle of mulled wine or cider and you have a nice Christmas gift.

Theatre Or Concert Tickets

You can always get some concert or theatre tickets even at the last minute. You don’t even necessarily need to have the tickets at hand if you just make your own stylish gift card to let the person know what you have gotten them.
Just make sure that you don’t promise to give tickets to see his or her favourite band if you don’t already have these tickets purchased. Even though you don’t need to provide the actual tickets during Christmas you still want to know you have them before you get their hopes up.

Homemade Cookies

If you are enthusiastic about baking then you could even gift your own homemade gift for Christmas. There are a lot of quick cookie recipes that you can prepare in a few hours. Once you get the cookies baked all you need is a lovely box or plate to put them on and wrap with cellophane.
This makes a really simple last-minute gift and it also shows a lot of thought. You can make something different instead of cookies as well. Homemade candy or even Christmas bread can all be really practical gifts.

Quality Bottle Of Wine

Something that always works really well is a bottle of wine as a gift. This is because it is really traditional gift and very practical gift for the holidays. Everyone can use an extra bottle of wine during the Christmas season.
There are many good ideas for making the gift a little bit special. For instance, vintage wine as a gift for Christmas is a really lovely idea and makes it a little bit more different to supermarket bottle.
You can find them online as well so it is a simple gift to get on the last-minute.

Charity Donation

You could also consider a charity donation as a Christmas gift. This is really suitable as a last-minute gift and it will be a really good choice for someone who is interested in the welfare of the world. There are many different options you can go with and different charities offer different priced gift donations. Check out for instance Oxfam.
The above gift ideas are really good when you are running out of time and don’t know what to get. You can find them from the shops or online even on the last minute and they’ll still be something fun for the person to get.

Author Bio: 
Deborah is really into finding different gift ideas for all sorts of occasions. She is really passionate about cooking as well and loves to cook Indian foods. She hopes to visit India one day together with her daughter.