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How To Plan An Eco-Friendly House

With the world becoming more and more environmentally conscious - and rightly so - many people are looking for ways to both save the planet and save money.  Luckily and conveniently, these two things generally go hand in hand.  Although your initial installation costs of eco-friendly systems in your house may be high, your subsequent bills will be noticeably lower than before and so you will save money over time.  UPVC windows and doors or ‘A’ rated windows are a good place to start; you may then want to move on to something a bit more expensive such as solar panels or windmills.  Here’s a guide on where and how to start planning your eco-friendly house.

Know Your House

Firstly, to know what areas of your house need to be worked on, you should put together a full home energy appraisal or energy audit of your house.  This will allow you to see what areas are losing the most heat and costing you the most money.  If you have some experience in this area, you could carry out this home energy audit yourself and see if you need to install UPVC windows or UPVC doors.  Alternatively, you could hire a professional to come and audit your house and advise you on which areas need work on.  For a bit more money, they can come equipped with thermal imaging which will show you the exact areas of heat loss and wind flow throughout the house.


Unwanted airflow around the house, such as draughts from windows and doors, is a leading factor in your home losing both heat and money.  It is estimated that up to 20% of a home’s heat can go straight back out through gaps and cracks in windows and doors.  This is why UPVC windows and doors are essential for any home as they can save you money on your heating bill.
Cold airflow coming from outdoors isn’t your only problem.  Heat escaping from well-used rooms to lesser used rooms, such as a utility room or an attic, is also a large problem in losing both heat and money.  Invest in UPVC windows and doors as this will certainly seal up any gaps that you may have around your window frame or doorways and help you to keep the heat in.


As already mentioned, windows are undoubtedly one of the leading causes of heat loss in a home, but they can also play a major role in heat retention.  Energy efficient windows do a very good job at separating the outside temperature from the temperature in your home.  UPVC windows are a highly recommended option for saving you money in heating bills, as any gaps or cracks that may have been in your previous windows will be completely sealed up by these energy efficient windows.  UPVC windows are made from a strong plastic material, resistant to most weather such as high winds and heavy rain.  They don’t rot or warp like wood either, and so these are an excellent choice as a starting step to making your eco-friendly house become a reality.

Author Bio:
This article was written by Martin Lanigan, a professional home energy auditor with over 20 years experience.  He can never stress to his clients enough about the importance of having good quality, solid windows to prevent unwanted airflow.