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The Zen Of Green Living: Bicycles, Health And Bamboo

Shut down your mobile device. Step away from your desk. Go outside and take a deep, long breath of fresh air. Here’s a way to live green and build your lung capacity at the same time: Hop on your bamboo bicycle and take a ride!

A New Application for Bamboo

Aluboo Bikes is using bamboo technology to manufacture bicycles. Their design combines aluminum framing with bamboo shafts. The bikes are partially made from Vietnamese Tam Vong, a fast growing plant known as “iron bamboo,” and one of the strongest bamboos in the world.
Actually a grass, bamboo is perfect for bikes because of its strength, light weight, and rigidity – as well as its excellent shock absorption quality.
On the Green end, bamboo can grow up to three feet per day! All it needs is water, fertile soil, and  sunshine. That makes it a viably sustainable product – one that can be naturally and quickly replenished.
Given its versatility and Aluboo’s success, other companies in the bike manufacturing industry are now looking at bamboo as an alternative to fabricated materials.
Consumers are backing the idea too. Aluboo’s campaign surpassed their $50,000 fundraising goal to acquire $102,065 in seed capital and helped the company launch a line of accessories.
Take a look at this video to see how a bamboo bicycle is assembled:

Biking for Sustainability

Living green is an important movement – some would call it a lifestyle. As the earth’s supplies are depleted and environmental concerns continue to emerge, innovative designers are finding new ways to use sustainable materials to manufacture items that you use every day.
Because it can easily and rapidly be regrown, bamboo has long been a symbol of Green living. It is used in many household products, even in clothing. Bamboo bicycles are a perfect way to symbolize the desire of many to curb waste and wise up to environmental concerns.

Biking for Health

Physical exercise is one of the best ways to ensure good health and build the strength of your bones, heart, muscles, and lungs. Standard advice is to check with your physician before beginning any strenuous physical activity or exercise regimen – but once you have the go-ahead, go ahead!
Biking is a great way to get your lungs pumping. Deep breathing ensures that oxygen reaches the deepest cellular levels, providing nourishment and energy to your body.
Biking is an easy and accessible form of exercise, too. You determine how much energy you want to put into it. You can opt for a leisurely ride in your neighborhood, or you can mount up for a power ride in the mountains.
Just two to four hours of exercise each week can provide crucial health benefits. The bonus is spending time in the great outdoors, away from the confines of your office, the paperwork on your desk, and the stresses and tensions of your everyday life.

Spread the Word about Biking Green 

November is National Lung Cancer Awareness Month; what better time to spread the word about biking green for lung health? Schedule a get-together or cycling excursion with friends, and share some lung cancer awareness products with the group.
Lung cancer is the most frequently diagnosed form of cancer, affecting both women and men in nearly equal proportions. You don’t have to wait for scientists to find better treatments for cancer. Get out of the house or office and take a Green ride on a bamboo bike. It's eco-friendly and helps maintain strong lungs.
Grab your messenger bag, pack a healthy snack, and go for a ride! Your lungs are counting on you.

Author Bio:
Dick Nelson, CEO of MARCO Promotional Products, has worked in the industry for nearly 30 years. Dick has never thought of his work as work, but rather as an intriguing place to spend his working hours. Away from the workplace, he enjoys playing golf, much of the time with his wife, and spending time with his children and grandchildren when he can.