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Tips For Buying A Tablet

Tablets have been one of the best recent technological innovations. The portability and convenience of these great machines means that you get to enjoy a great combination of the benefits from a laptop and a smartphone.
When it used to be that you only had one option to go with when you for looking to buy a tablet, i.e. the iPad, there are now a lot more options available. Here are some tips to help you buy the right tablet to enjoy.

Why You Want A Tablet?

The first thing you need to think about when you are looking to buy a tablet is the reason why you are getting it. Depending on the things you want to do with the tablet you will want to focus on different aspects and thus can narrow down your search.
For instance, if you are looking to buy a tablet that completely replaces your home desktop computer you might want to go for a bigger screen size. In the long run it is much better to use a tablet with a near 10-inch display rather than the smaller options. Therefore a tablet like iPad 4 or Nexus 10 might be your pick.
Naturally if you just want a tablet on the go you should opt for a smaller screen to improve the portability. Something like a Nexus 7 or even the Amazon Kindle Fire HD are good options to consider.

The Operating System

The biggest difference in picking out the tablet comes when you are choosing the operating system. Naturally if you want to go with iOS you need to get an iPad for yourself. Android and Windows are the other two big operating systems on the market.
A good rule of thumb is that if you already use either, for instance with your smartphone, it might be the easiest to stick with what you already know. If not then you can freely choose the one you like the most.
There is a good guide into the pros and cons of iPads and Android tablets at and it is a good idea to read this guide first.
If you are looking to get a tablet with clear focus on the apps then you should know that Apple still has the biggest app availability for larger tablet screens. Android is slowly catching up and Windows is still quite far behind when it comes to the availability of apps.

Price Range

Generally the Android operating system tablets come with the cheapest price tag. This doesn’t mean that they are any inferior so if you are looking for a good first-time tablet Android might be a good idea.

But investing into an Apple tablet isn’t a bad idea either, especially if you are already an Apple user. Windows tablets are still a little bit expensive, compared to Android at least, but again worth an investment if you are looking for a tablet for purely business use.

Author Bio:
Jack is a huge technology fan and he is a big fan of cross-platform app development. He likes to learn all there is to know about apps and is always testing out all the latest games on tablets. He also likes to spend time with his three dogs.