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Top Fashion Apps

Are you someone who always likes to look your best and stay ahead of the current trends? Fortunately, your smartphone can help you realize your true fashionista potential. There is a wealth of apps out there that can help you put together a killer outfit, keep track of fashion news, and keep up with your favorite designers and brands.
But with so many choices, how do you know which apps are worth your time and which ones aren’t? Here is our list of top fashion apps to help you look your best.

The Cut

This is a fun game that gives you images of celebrities on the Red Carpet and you get to tag them as Hit or Miss. You can also see what other users thought and see how each celebrity outfit fared with the crowd. The app also offers all sorts of news and updates from the fashion world and the celebrity gossip mill.

Tory Daily

This popular app from premier designer Tory Burch is like getting a backstage pass to Tory’s personal blog. Every day, the app gets updated with news, updates, new designs and Tory’s personal thoughts about all things fashion. It’s a great way to stay ahead of the trends and snag the newest styles as soon as they hit the shelves.

With this app, you’ll get to access the top fashion news as soon as it makes a headline. You can also see hundreds of the best fashion blogs and photos from the latest shoots. It’s a great place to get style ideas; everything from designer cocktail dresses to indie pieces.


This app helps you remember what’s in your closet. You can take pictures of every item and then create a digital inventory to save in your phone. Then, mix and match to your heart’s content to create different style combinations and outfits. The app also lets you keep track of what you’ve worn that week so you never have the embarrassing feeling of repeating an outfit!


Though it’s not directly geared toward the fashion world, Instagram is a great way to learn more about the fashion industry. You can follow your favorite designers,  see different designs and look for trends using hashtags.


Ever get stuck trying to decide whether you should buy that midi-dress that falls just a little too far down your leg below your knee but fits your waist just right? Pose is a fun, fashion-related social networking app that lets you post pictures of yourself trying on different clothes. Your followers can then vote on whether you should take the plunge and buy the dress or put it back on the rack and try something else. It’s a great way to get style feedback while also helping you get over your indecisive shopper syndrome!

Fashion Kaleidoscope

Ever wonder see a beautiful scarf on a stranger and wonder where it came from? Now you don’t have to be super-sketchy and ask. Instead, you can use Fashion Kaleidoscope to take a picture of the piece and the app will tell you the exact design, brand, price and where to find it. It’s like the music app Shazam, but with fashion.

These are just a few of the excellent fashion apps out there for you to use to help you look amazing. There are countless others to suit every sort of taste and style. To find the perfect fashion app for you, spend some time exploring the different choices, as well as different styles and designers.  Once you find something that appeals to you and your fashion needs, you can enjoy all of the new ideas and creative angles open to you and your sense of style!

Author Bio:
Donna has found a fashion label for the nursing homes called DearJane to introduce style and dignity to the aged and disabled.