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Top Tips To Get The Most Out Of Your IT Training

We all know that IT is a very good field of work, so long as you have the relevant training.  However, when you consider that Microsoft alone has over 1,000 training programs in their catalogue, it would be nearly impossible to do them all.  The only option would be if you never have to work a day in your life and do the training courses for fun.  So, if we work from the premise that you are new to the world of IT and you want to get your CV noticed, which training courses do you choose?

Tip 1 – Choose the Most Popular Courses

Look into what the most popular training courses are.  If they are popular, they must be so because they are also in demand.  After all, the world of IT changes all the time, which means that highly popular courses usually cover a subject area that is being focused on currently.  At present, the 10 most popular IT training courses are:
  1. Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
  2. Certified Scrum Developer
  3. Oracle PeopleSoft EPM 9.1
  4. Microsoft SQL Server 2008
  5. ITIL version 3
  6. HP Loadrunner Essentials
  7. Oracle ATG Web Commerce
  8. VMware vSphere 5.0
  9. Microsoft Sharepoint Introduction
  10. Microsoft Windows Server 2008

Tip 2 – Choose a Field

You also need to consider your desired field of work.  It is all well and good to become totally certified in SAP, for instance, but if you have no intention of working in the financial or logistics fields, then this would be a waste of time.  Similarly, if you want to work in administration, it would be beneficial to do a lot of Microsoft Office training and perhaps not focus on the server programming courses. Remember that there is such a things as being overqualified as well, so do not take part in courses that will not be beneficial to you in your long-term career goals.

Tip 3 – Choose the Right Provider

One very important tip is that you must choose a provider that actually delivers quality training courses.  One way to check this is by making sure that they are accredited to deliver the training.  A good training company will immediately tell you if they are accredited, and they will also tell you with whom their accreditation lies.  You must always double check this.  It is all too easy for a company to pretend they are accredited, or to keep their accreditation valid even if they have lost it since then. 

Hopefully, these top tips will help you to identify that best possible IT training for you.  Do remember that IT training is never wasted training.  It allows you to become knowledgeable in a very interesting field of work that is always in high demand.  IT professionals tend to earn a great deal more money than those in different fields of work, and you should strike whilst the iron is hot.  However, do remember that IT is also never a stagnant field of work and if you’re resistant to change, then it isn’t for you.

Author Bio:
Sarah Lockwood is an IT specialist. She likes to visit