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Why Is Electronic Recycling Important?

These days, we live in a throw away society, where it's often cheaper and easier for us to upgrade our electrical equipment and appliances for new ones, rather than getting older items repaired or even making do with what we've got. The negative consequence of this is that many electrical items end up in landfill, causing a huge toxic overload that has devastating effects for years to come.
Fortunately, recycling of electronic items has taken a higher priority in recent times, with many governments introducing initiatives that help to dispose of or make use of electrical items in a more planet friendly manner. Here's all you need to know about recycling electronic appliances.

Love your electrical items

If you want to do your bit for the planet, then consider how you use your electrical items. Many of us regularly upgrade electrical items to keep up to date with fashion trends or the latest gadgets, but ask yourself whether you really need to buy new items, especially if there is nothing essentially wrong with the item. Do you really need as many gadgets and gizmos around the home?

Give your appliances a new home

Even if you don't want or need your electrical appliances any more, instead of automatically throwing them away, if they still work, then consider if there is anyone you know who could make use of them. If you don't know of anybody, then see if a charity shop or second hand store will be able to take them off your hands.
If you don't want to give more expensive appliances or gadgets away, then consider selling them - through your local newspaper ads or online.

Store collection service

When you buy an electrical product from a store, quite often the store will have an arrangement in place where they will collect your old item from you. It's always worth asking about this, as it will save you having to dispose of it. You can also trade in some items, or may even be offered cash to take your old items off you.

Local council collection service

Your local council may be able to collect your electrical items to dispose of, usually for a small fee. Contact them if you have an old appliance that you want to get rid of.

Recycling centre

You might be surprised by how many different varieties of items that your local recycling centre will accept, so contact your nearest centre to see if they are able to take unused electrical items.

Repurpose electrical items

Consider if your once loved electrical items can be refashioned or repurposed into something else before you decide to throw it away. You might be able to strip the appliance down and make use of some of the parts, or with a bit of creative skill, transform them into something unique.

Search the internet

There are a number of organisations that have been set up to recycle electronic items, so have a search on the internet to find any in your local area.

Author Bio:
This article was written by Amy Elliott for Juice Electrical Supplies. Amy is a recent graduate with a passion for writing and green living and likes to collaborate with various companies and organisations, like Juice, who are doing their part to promote living in an environmentally conscious way.