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List of Things Which You Can Learn Online Free

Internet has simplified our lifestyles. Thankfully, it also proves to be a great source of learning amazing skills like photography, new language, programming and others which are all available for free. Here, we have compiled a list of things that you can learn online for free.

1.  Learning foreign languages

If you are interested in learning some foreign languages like Spanish, French, German, Portuguese or Italian, internet offers various sites that offer free lessons on the basics and advanced levels of the language of your desire. By mastering the lessons in these languages you get many job opportunities. You may also make some new friends. The sites like, and are pretty good places to start. The graphics of these websites keep learning organized for iOS and Android.

2.  Computer Programming

If you are someone who wants to learn computer programming, but you haven’t got a clue where to start, then is a great place to start. This site offers all the step-by-step instructions you need to get started. In addition, you’ll be pleased to learn that you don’t need to spend a dime on higher education if you want to become a coder. Though signing up for the site is optional, it is better to register so that you can keep track of your course and can resume from the point where you left off.

The site Code academy also offers free iPad app called Tree house. Tree house is an online training service that helps you learn Objectives of C, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP, Ruby and SQL through videos, quizzes and interactive coding exercises. If you’re looking to have a career in computer programming, you should consider tree house.

3.  Photography

If you are photography enthusiast, sites like is an excellent place packed full of photography tips and advices designed for the novice and professional alike. This site offers you articles and tutorials led by world class experts in a live video format. On the app side photography tutorials curates and organizes a large list of photography tutorials from around the web. It is packed with techniques that are useful for beginners and experts.

4.  Cooking

Cooking is a wonderful art. Any seasoned chef or cooking expert will tell you that cooking is not just about adding ingredients but it’s also about using hundreds of smart tricks and techniques that usually take years to master.

Luckily, you can find sites that offer you cooking recipes for free. makes your cooking easier. It offers you a lot of tips on basic cooking techniques and step-sep instructions with photographs. The tutorials are simple and you can cook while watching the tutorial. It makes you feel that a personalized chef is teaching you in your own kitchen. Other sites like also offer you tasty recipes. The site also has a converter tab that helps you with conversions like litres to kilograms, tablespoons to teaspoons and so on.

5.  Home decorating

Looking for decorating ideas for your home, is a best place to start which has hundreds of design ideas to suit your decorating style. The free tutorial provides you with a structured way to learn and refers you back to the websites when required for further reference on a topic.

Author Bio:
Brianne Walter is a freelance journalist who has been writing about mobile technology, customer relationship management and women’s health for more than a decade. These days she is busy to contributes on getamplify