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Saving Energy in 2014

As New Year’s resolutions are being made and broken, you may want to make your resolutions a little bit different from the traditional (yet classic) statements of ‘drink less’, ‘eat less’, and ‘exercise more’. Instead, make your resolutions green, and help the planet, save your money and do good in the comfort of your own home. Here are our ideas to get you started.

Lighting Efficiency

This is the first and easiest step on the road to being a green guru. Simply switching off your lights when you don’t need them, even if just for a minute, can save you energy. Go a step further and replace your bulbs with LED light bulbs and you’ll be laughing all the way to the bank. They use 90% less energy than traditional bulbs, last up to 45 years longer and typically pay for themselves within 2 years. If you have outdoor lighting, install a motion sensor, as they are high wattage bulbs to run and leaving them on unnecessarily can run up expensive bills.

Appliance Efficiency

If it wasn’t so expensive to replace all your appliances with shiny new efficient models, then this is something that we would recommend too. However, it is unnecessary. If something needs replacing, then do think about its energy efficiency when shopping for a new one. In the meantime, there are a few things that you can do to improve the amount of energy wasted by your current appliances.

Use your dishwasher. It is more efficient than washing up, but you need to make sure that you fill it properly. A half filled dishwasher uses the same amount as a full one.

Cook with a microwave. Steaming vegetables, poaching fish and more takes a fraction of the time in a microwave as opposed to a preheated oven, saving you energy and time.

Fridge-freezers are at their most efficient when they are fully filled, so make sure yours is the right size for you. Buying a huge fridge-freezer that is never full wastes money and energy.

An energy monitor is an excellent way to monitor your other appliances, such as your phone or laptop. It can tell you the running costs in both money and energy to help you lower your energy bill. 

Save Water

Take control of your water usage and save money on your energy bill too. Most of your energy bill comes from heating water, so insulate your boiler or water tank and use cold water when hot water isn’t needed. Check your taps and don’t leave them running. A running tap can waste 6 litres of water a minute. 

So if you fancy a green 2014, then these resolutions will help you on your way.