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The Top 5 Games That You Shouldn't Miss This 2014

I don’t know about you but I’m a HUGE FAN of the World of Warcraft! The gameplay, the effects, the skills of the characters (among many others) makes the whole game worth playing 10 times over again and again!

There’s just no getting over that game (at least for me)!

But with all the games and trailers being shown all over the web, you can’t help but think about what other games are out there that’s worth playing.

If you’re wondering what “other” amazing games are out there, allow me to share with you 5 of the games that you shouldn’t miss playing this 2014.

  • The Banner Saga

If there’s one thing that comes across my mind everytime I think about Banner Saga, that’d be their interesting combat system! It’s VERY HARD to master yet at the same time VERY EASY to learn.

Not to mention the decision making factor of the game. There are TONS of decision making that you need to do when playing Banner Saga! Once you’re done playing the game, you’ll feel like you can be the president of your own country!

Sounds interesting huh?

  • Age of Wonders

If you haven’t heard of the Age of Wonders, then you’re probably living under a rock. It’s one of THE MOST TALKED ABOUT GAMES there is and everyone loves it!

In this game, you are to take control of 1 of twelve races. The fun part comes in when you decide to ally or destroy all the other opposing races.

Did I also mention that their soundtrack is to die for?

  • Broken Age

Think Tim Schafer… Knowing that this game came from Tim should be more than enough reason for you to play the game.

Think about $3.3 million of game funding via Kickstarter… That’s another reason for you to check this game out.

Now the question is, even with the huge funding and the game coming from Tim Schafer, does the game in fact live up to everyone’s expectations?

My honest answer… A resounding yes!

I’m sure you’ll feel the same way to ONLY if you play with the expectation or knowledge that it is just half the game.

  • Bayonetta

I’d say Bayonetta is one of the best action games out there but after trying it in PS3, I can’t help but feel disappointed.

There are tons of problems there like slow loading time. The slowdown is also very apparent on action scenes.


Aside from those two (which I can live with by the way ONLY because of how amazing Bayonetta is), I’d give Bayonetta a 100/100 score!

I kind of gives off a Devil May Cry feel to it seeing how there are angels, guns, and slashes.

The characters are also very stylish and they’ve got TONS of cool moves!

  • World of Cheese

I knew it! You’ve already heard of the World of Cheese! I mean who hasn’t?

This games is so easy yet very exciting to play. In this game, you’ll have to figure out the puzzles or the set of actions that you need to make so you’ll be able to find the cheese.

If you haven’t seen any of these games (which is VERY HIGHLY UNLIKELY), then you ought to check them out right now!

You’ll be amazed at how exciting these games are!

Its your turn!

If you have ideas, games, tips, or suggestions that you’d like to share, then the comments section below is ALL YOURS!

Be sure to share your thoughts at the bottom. Ciao!

Author Bio:
Jimmy R. is an avid writer who loves to write about anything and everything under the sun. May it be technology, health, or business, he surely has a thing or two to say about it.