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Exploring ASP.NET Technology

What is ASP.NET?
Released in the year 2002, this version of the .NET framework was developed for the web development to create dynamic web pages. A server-side Web application framework, ASP.NET is developed by Microsoft as a successor to Active Server Pages (ASP) technology of Microsoft and is much better to its earlier versions. Built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), it allows the programmers to create web applications, web services and dynamic web sites enabling them to ASP.NET code using any supported .NET language.

Benefits of ASP.NET Technology
To purse a flourishing career in this domain of the IT, it is important that you should be well aware on the benefits of this technology so that you are able to explore lucrative jobs in ASP.NET.
ASP.NET has become popular among the developers and programmers since its launch. Supporting in various functions of the corporate websites, content management system, social networking sites, ASP.NET is preferred choice for developers, programmers and companies equally to provide multiple services. This technology also helps in functions related to CRM by creating a portal. Additionally payment gateway integration and e-commerce solutions are also created with the help of ASP.NET.
Another important contribution of ASP.NET is for the efficient management of the web content controls. This includes customizing it in accordance with the special needs and requirements. With common UI, all the ASP.NET servers have enhanced features.  Tax code, implementation and production are all comprehensive of this framework. For the security model, this latest version is a much simpler and improved. Also the start-up time is quick and performance is fast moving with the multi-threaded applications.
Dynamic Language Run (DLR) time is another additional dynamic service provider, especially to the Common Language Run time (CLR) in the new environment. Other new and improved features include new interoperability features, background garbage collection feature and many others.
It also helps in supporting of certain features which are provided by the offshore vendors. ASP.NET features not only enables businesses to expand their online presence but also helps them to improve their brand image on this platform.
Most important advantages include -
- By using internet browsers such as Internet Explorer and Mozilla Firefox, a smooth viewing is assured.
- The size of the code used to create large applications is reduced to a large extent.
- ASP.NET code is implemented on the server before sending it to the browser which makes it a pure server-side technology.
- With high security features, ASP.NET code also does not require you to register its each component as it has already a built in configuration.
- One of its biggest abilities includes editing any component of the content quite dynamically.
- Last but not the least, ASP.NET enables any user to access the database and return results.

Job Prospects for ASP.NET Professional
The demand for the ASP.NET professionals and ASP.NET jobs is increasing day by day in the IT sector across the globe and it is predicted to continue in the coming years as well. As ASP.NET is used to build complex software applications, the professionals need to be highly skilled and moreover updated with the dynamic IT scenario. They have to be ever in a learning process to keep them highly efficient as a professional.
You can start your career as ASP.NET developer and keep progressing on your career ladder. You need to be a graduate with bachelors in computer science. Otherwise doing certification courses in the domain can also be equally beneficial.
You will be required to supervise your co-workers and team, analyzing and creating applications, testing, coding, and also updating databases. Other than the technical knowledge you also need to have strong communication skills as you will be required to interact with your client through verbal and written modes of communication. Therefore, a suitable candidate for any company is that individual who is well equipped with technical as well as management knowledge of the entire software development lifecycle. If you think you have all these skills and attributes with a keen interest in ASP.NET, flourishing in this career is definitely certain.

Author Bio: 
With my writing skills as a proficient content writer, I will be sharing some insightful information on the career opportunities. Additionally, my other interests include writing on diverse topics from education to technology.