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INFOGRAPHIC: E commerce Today - A Brief overview

The ecommerce landscape is rapidly changing – to help both our clients and followers understand these changes we have created the “eCommerceToday” infographic.

The “eCommerceToday” infographic contains stats and tips in relation to ecommerce websites, ecommerce integration, ecommerce marketing and so forth.

Topics covered in this infographic include devices used to shop online, the growth of mobile internet over the years, the most popular ecommerce platforms used across the top 1 million ecommerce websites, ecommerce spend globally, cart abandonment, what people buy online, marketing tips, ecommerce integration and social commerce.

Below are the main findings in relation to each of the above topic areas.
It was found that 82% of those who shop online still do so through the traditional method of a desktop pc or laptop. However, over the past couple of years, mobile shopping has seen increases year on year with 18% now shopping either through their mobile phone or portable tablet device. This figure was as low as 2% back in 2010.
Global spending on ecommerce in 2012 reached just over 1 trillion dollars. The US market spent the most, totalling roughly $384 billion. The US market spent significantly more than other countries with the closest spender being China who spent just over $180. The UK and Japan spent just over $140 billion while Belgium spent $53 billion.
Three of the top reasons for cart abandonment were change of mind (61%), comparison shopping (57%) and checkout process being too long (44%).
Based on our findings, we have put together a list of practical ecommerce marketing tips that you can apply to your ecommerce business that will increase sales and help your overall search engine optimisation. Tips include article writing, on site seo, guest blogging, infographics and videos.
Finally, our infographic covers the growing trend of ecommerce integration and its benefits to those who adopt it into their business structure and systems such as cost savings, streamlining of operations and reduction of human error.
We hope you enjoy our infographic. Please leave a comment and let us know what you think.

eCommerce Infographic - An Infographic from Cue Commerce
Embedded from Cue Commerce