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INFOGRAPHIC: How Crash Testing Works

A crash test is a form of destructive testing usually performed in order to ensure safe design standards for various types of vehicles. There are many different types of crash tests undertaken; frontal-impact tests are probably what most people initially think of when asked about a crash test. These are usually impacts upon a solid concrete wall at a specified speed, but can also be vehicle-vehicle tests. Side-impact tests, rear-impact tests and offset tests are also conducted regularly.  

Importantly, a crash test requires the help of crash test dummies full-scale anthropomorphic test devices (ATD) that simulate the dimensions, weight proportions and articulation of the human body, and are usually instrumented to record data about the dynamic behaviour of the ATD in simulated vehicle impacts. Crash test dummies carry out a major job and provide humans with the necessary data to help ensure better safety standards in vehicles. There are many different types of crash tests dummies that carryout different functions, for example, CRABI is a child dummy used to evaluate the effectiveness of child restraint devices including seat belts and air bags. Also, BioRID is a dummy designed to assess the effects of a rear impact. Its primary purpose is to research whiplash, and to aid designers in developing effective head and neck restraints. To find out more about the interesting world of crash testing, check out our insightful infographic below!

How Crash Testing Works

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